Monday, December 5, 2016

Psalm 92  This is as song for the Sabbath day, the title tells us.  It is a song of praise to the Lord.  It is one thing to say " Praise the Lord"... it is another to really mean it.  Sometimes I feel.. conflicted... unsettled about this... am I just saying words?   Do I really mean what I say?  Am I being sincere in my praise? I know that I want to be.  This psalm helps...

" It is good to give thanks to the Lord,"  the psalmist writes.  It is easy to be thankful.  God has given us so much!  We are thankful for His salvation through Jesus.  We are thankful for our families and for our blessings.  We are thankful for daily bread and for answers to prayer.  But, there is more to it.
The Hebrew word used here for "give thanks" is yadah.  It means to hold out or use your hands; to revere or worship with extended hands.. to make a confession, to praise.  It is a physical action involving an open hand.  We extend our open hand.. to give... or to demonstrate our thankfulness.

" And to sing praises to Thy name, O Most High;"  the writer continues.  "Sing praises"-  to make music.. to touch the strings or strike the instrument... to celebrate in song.  A musical celebration of the Most High, that declares His lovingkindness and His faithfulness.
To "declare" -  to boldly stand, to manifest, announce, expose, predict, explain, praise...  His qualities day and night. Our God is full of lovingkindness - He is kind and shows us favor, good, mercy, pity and beauty.  Our God is also full of faithfulness - established, trustworthy, firm, secure, steady, true. 

It is good for us to celebrate our God.  To boldly proclaim His greatness.  He is faithful.  He is love.  He wants us to know these truths about who He is and to remember them by singing about them morning and evening.. lest we forget.

The psalm goes on ... " For Thou, O Lord, hast made me glad by what Thou hast done, I will sing for joy at the works of Thy hands.  How great are Your works, O Lord! Thy thoughts are very deep. " 
This points to a personal response towards God's loving actions towards us individually.
The wicked, the senseless, and the stupid... don't understand this.  They will perish.
But, the "righteous " who "declare that the Lord is upright", who build their lives on Him, who praise and worship Him ... they will "flourish".  They will be fruitful.. even in "old age".  They will overcome their foes.. because the Lord is " on high forever". 

Our pastor has explained that thanksgiving is given for what God had done.  Praise is given for who God is.   We are to give both... in celebration of Who God is and what He has done for us.  These gifts - praise and thanks - are offerings- held out by our own hands to the Most High Who is our rock.  It is a gift from our hearts to Him that reveals that we are His. If we fail to make this offering we are like the wicked, senseless, stupid man who will be scattered.  

Father in heaven, forgive us for neglecting to give to You the honor and thanks that You deserve.  We get so focused on praying about ourselves, our families, our needs... that we miss out on the most important part of praying... giving You praise for Who You are and thanking You for what You have done for each of us personally.   Great is Your lovingkindness to us O Lord! You are good.  You are merciful, and You are beautiful.  Great is Your faithfulness!  You never change and You are always trustworthy.  Thank You for the gifts that You have given to us this morning.. for life, for love, and for wonder and truth and security.   Let our hearts sing of Your greatness morning and evening forever more. Amen.

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