Monday, December 19, 2016

Psalms 98-102

" O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wonderful things.... "  These psalms go on to proclaim " O Lord, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou hast made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions." ( 104:24)

Some of these " wonderful things" are:

He has " made known His salvation." ( 98:2)
He has "revealed His righteousness."
He has shown lovingkindness and faithfulness to His people. (v3)
He has revealed His salvation to all the earth.
He reigns over all the earth.( 99:1)
He loves justice. ( v4)
He answers prayer. (v6)
He forgives sin. (v8)
He made us. (100:3)
He is good. ( v5)
His love and faithfulness never ends and is for all generations. ( v5)

Psalm 101 is David's pledge to live for the Lord as best he can.  He promises to walk according to God's ways, to stay connected to those who are faithful to the Lord, and to cut off those who are not. Although we cannot earn righteousness through our own works, we need to give heed "to the blameless way" as David did. We need to commit our lives to walking in integrity, to staying away from the worthless things, and to refuse that which is evil.

Psalm 102 is a prayer for mercy from someone who is afflicted.  This statement touches my heart, " I have become like a lonely bird on a housetop."  
He feels forgotten by God and by others.
He feels consumed by the world.
He feels like his heart has withered.
He feels like life has seeped out.

But.... he looks back at the Lord and remembers those "wonderful" works and seeks God's face again:

You abide forever, Lord.
Your Name is for my generation too!
You will have compassion on Your people at the right time.
All the nations will fear You and bow before You.
You hear the prayers of the destitute.
You look down from Your throne on high and You gaze upon the earth...
You hear the "groaning of the prisoner" .
You set free those "who were doomed to death "

" The heavens are the works of Thy hand.  Even they will perish, but Thou dost endure; and all of them will wear out like a garment; like clothing Thou wilt change them, and they will be changed.
But Thou art the same, and Thy years will not come to an end." 

Have you ever felt like a "lonely bird on a housetop" ?
Those who struggle with depression know that feeling well.  Holiday times, while many are celebrating and excitedly running here and there,  are times when some are hit hardest by sadness.
For whatever reason, or in whatever season, we may all have times like this.
Like the psalmist we need to be reminded of the truth of who our God is and what He has done.

Eternal God and Gracious Father,  we turn our eyes towards You to once again see the salvation that You have provided through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  It is in Jesus that Your righteousness is revealed. It is in Jesus that Your compassion is made known.  It is in Him that our sins are forgiven  and our transgressions are removed as far as the east is from the west.  Thank You. Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me.  Bless Your holy Name, Lord Most High.  Amen.

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