Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Psalm 104  All the works of God.. all of creation testifies of His greatness.  This psalm gives praise to the "Lord my God"  who is indeed "very great." The psalmist draws us a picture with his words that will lead us to a fresh vision of God's intimate connection with His creation:

Picture Him, above the heavens,  wrapped in a cloak of brilliant light.  His covering is majestic and glorious.

He "stretches out heaven like a tent curtain..."  Every star and planet in its place.  Isaiah  writes, " Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, the One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power not one of them is missing." 

The Lord designed the heavens to cover the earth and made Himself a "chamber" above.  He is close by... the clouds are His to ride, the wind is His to walk upon,  the breezes are His to send messages and fire is His to minister to us.

The creation of the earth itself is firmly established so that it will not move.  He covered it with water and then moved the water to make mountains and valleys.  He has set boundaries for the waters  ( no matter what climate scientists want us to believe).  He provided streams and springs to bring drinking water to the wild animals.  He designed rain to come so that grass will grow.  He arranged plants that could be grown to provide food for mankind.
Night and day.
 " O Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom Thou hast made them all. The earth is full of Thy possessions." 

And we all wait.  For God to provide.  For God to satisfy us with good.
"Let the glory of the Lord endure forever; Let the Lord be glad in His works;" 

Father God,  Mighty One, wonderful Creator,  are You glad in Your works?  Are You glad that You made us?  Are You well pleased with us today?  We have such limited vision... we fail to see You in all of Your greatness and glory.  Open our eyes today.. especially this week as we celebrate the coming of Jesus... that we may see beyond the distractions of this world, to the One who  never becomes weary or tired, "the Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth." We need to .. we must lift up our eyes to the Only True God and sing praises to You while we have life to do so. Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised!

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