Thursday, December 22, 2016

Psalm 105  Part of this psalm is recorded in I Chronicles 16 as the ark was brought up into the tent that David had prepared for it.  Here we see the whole history of Israel recounted, a call of thanksgiving for all that the Lord had done to bring His nation into existence in the place that He had chosen for them.  The people were reminded to sing praises to the Lord and to "make known His deeds among the people."

Christmas time is a good time for us to stop and reflect on all the Lord has done for us in our own lives and to make known His deeds among our own people.

The Lord brought me to Himself as a child.  He placed me in a family where I was taken to church from the beginning of my life.  He gave me godly examples to follow.. my mom, my grandmother, and some of my siblings.

The Lord rescued me from darkness and gave me His light.
The Lord has worked good in my life, even from my failures.
The Lord has blessed me with much more than I could ever dream of.
The Lord has given me a hunger and thirst for more of Himself.

I have much to praise the Lord for everyday.  Yet I know I can never thank Him enough for His great love towards me.

 I am struck by verse 4 " Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually."    This is God's desire for us every day.  This Christmas,  I want to do just that.. seek Him, seek to see Him better, seek His strength for what ever lies ahead in the new year.

Father, thank You for loving me and saving me through Jesus Christ, the Lord.  Guide me in Your ways that I might live for Your glory, I ask in His name.  Amen.

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