Monday, December 12, 2016

Psalm 95  The next 5 psalms are songs of worship and praise to the Lord.  They are songs we can make our own, as many have been used in choruses and hymns throughout the history of the church.

I don't know about you, but sometimes the more familiar the words are, the less meaningful they can become.  They become rote.. not felt.  For example.. " O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation."  Sing and shouting for joy... with joy... to the Lord.. is not something that happens much anymore.  We sing.  We might even sing with enthusiasm or enjoyment.  But, how many people feel joyful... how many are aiming their song towards the Lord?

We are to come before His presence with thanksgiving. 
We are to shout to Him with joy. 
We are to bow down and worship Him.

We are allowed, encouraged, and maybe even commanded to.... be emotional!

Our Lord is a great God!
Our Lord is a great King!
Our Lord is the Creator of everything!
Our Lord holds the seas and the mountains in His Hands!
Our Lord has chosen us to be His people!
Our Lord has spoken to us.. speaks to us.. today!

Don't harden your heart, the psalmist warns us.  Don't err in your heart, don't ignore His ways.
Instead, kneel before Him. 
Bring Him a song of joy. 
Let yourself feel... joy, thankfulness, reverence, and awe for the Lord Most High who loves us and offers us His rest.. a home of peace and comfort and consolation. 

Holy Father, Maker of heaven and of earth, Mighty God and King,  I hallow Your Name.  Your Name is above all names.  You are above all things, the owner of all things, the maker of all things.  There is nothing that exists that You have not brought into being.  You have called me to know Your Name and to sing to You, Lord.  To sing with joy and thanksgiving.  May I be faithful to hear Your voice and never harden my heart. Help me, Lord Jesus, to become like You, always glorifying the Father. Make my heart free to feel and to express the joy of Your salvation. Open my eyes to see You more clearly today, open my ears to hear Your voice.. today.  Amen.

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