Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Psalm 103

I am drawn back to Psalm 102:19-21 this morning, " For He looked down from His holy height; from heaven the Lord gazed upon the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner; to set free those who were doomed to death; that men may tell of the name of the Lord in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem." 

Isn't that exactly why we celebrate Jesus' birth?   I love the fact that He hears the individual groaning.. each of us trapped in our own prisons.. our self-made bars constructed from our rebellious hearts and darkened minds.  He sees us.. and came to set us free!  "Glory to God in the Highest and peace among men with whom He is pleased." the angels proclaimed.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name."  we reply.

The psalmist reminds us once again to remember... "forget none of His benefits;"  
He pardons our iniquities.
He heals our diseases.
He redeems us.. buys us from the pit... from hopeless, desperate, endless death.
He crowns us... CROWNS us.. with righteousness and compassion.
He satisfies us with "good things"
He does righteous deeds.
He makes fair judgements.
He makes His ways known.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness."  ( I love to read this in Exodus 34... for this is how God describes Himself!)
He does not stay angry with us.
He does not treat us "according to our sins" ( Thank You Lord!)
His lovingkindness is as high as the heavens!
He removes our sins "as far as the east is from the west".
He has compassion on us even as a father has compassion on his own children.
He knows our frailty.
He knows our mortality.
He loves us eternally!
He keeps His promises... to those who keep His covenant.

Glory to God who" has established His throne in the heavens."
Glory to God who rules over all in His sovereignty.
Glory to God, who sends out His mighty angels to perform His word.
Glory to God!

"Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will. Bless the Lord , all you works of His, in all places of His dominion; Bless the Lord, O my soul!"


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