Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Psalm 110  is a Messianic psalm, all about Jesus.  It is easy to miss some of the meaning with the way we translate it from the Hebrew.  But it is so powerful when we take a closer look.

" The LORD ( Jehovah - the I AM- the self-existent One ) says to my Lord ( Adoni - master)
Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet." 

The Father declared that His Son will be King.
The Father will stretch out the Son's scepter - will extend  His rule and His rod of authority.
The Son will have dominion over all His enemies.
His people will serve Him willingly in all holiness.

The Father has declared the Son to be the High Priest forever.
He is at the right hand of the Father. He has immediate access to the Most High God and He intercedes for us there.

The Father has declared that the Son is the Judge of all men. 
He will snuff out all other kings and rulers .
He will determine the verdict against every nation.
He will destroy the evil doers.
He will shatter those who are evil leaders.

The Son will be victorious in all He does. 
The Father will lift up the Son's head. He will be above all.

Our world is filled will those who are enemies to the King of kings.  We are horrified at their wickedness and terror.  We cannot comprehend the senseless killing, the needless violence, the intense hatred that fills so many hearts.  Bitterness, anger, and selfishness cause hearts to be hardened and filled with darkness.  Their only hope is Jesus, for He is King, High Priest, and Judge.
He is more powerful than any earthly ruler.
He is holier than any religious order.
He is more righteous than any judge or jury.

In Jesus we find the Law of Love, which supersedes any law that men can enact.
In Jesus we find the only True way to find God.
In Jesus we find complete justice and great mercy.
Jesus is appointed by the Father to be the epitome of Political rule, of Religious leadership, and of Judicial systems.
He is the greatest King, the greatest Priest, and the greatest Judge.

Praise the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, our Master, who calls us His friends, who brings us into His family, and who makes us His own.

Father in Heaven , how mighty You are and how wise!  You have made a perfect plan to redeem us and to bring us into Your Kingdom.  Thank You.  May Your Kingdom come, that we might see Jesus , high and lifted up, fulfilling all of Your Word, to the glory of Your Name.  amen.

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