Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Psalm 108  This is called a song of David.  " My heart is steadfast, O God."   My heart is fixed, prepared, established, ready... to sing praises to the Lord!  From the first hint of dawn, David lifts up praises to the Lord.  He praises the lovingkindness and truth that the Lord has shown to him.  He exalts the Lord's glory and majesty.  He remembers the Lord's work in all of Israel and he calls upon the Lord for help.

This is another good example of prayer.  Praise and thanksgiving from the heart that is fixed on God. Acknowledging the Lord's past work in our lives and looking for His continued help in the day ahead.
We declare His greatness and our neediness.
His provision and our dependence.
He is able to do all things and we are absolutely in need of His presence and strength for the day.. every day.

Psalm 109 takes a different approach altogether.  Here David calls upon the Lord to deal with the evil man.. the one who "did not remember to show lovingkindness but persecuted the afflicted and needy man." ( v16)   This person or persons:
Spoke evil and wicked things.
And cursed.

David's words are harsh and pointedly severe. He asks God to take vengeance on his behalf.
Give him ( the evil man)  a wicked leader.
Make his right hand man to turn against him.
Make the judge find him guilty.
Don't listen to his prayers for mercy.
Cut off his life.
Replace him.
Let his children be without a father and his wife without her husband.
Let the children become beggars.
Let the creditors take all his belongings.
Let strangers steal his land.
Don't let anyone show him mercy.
Don't let anyone show his children compassion.
Cut off any future generations.
Don't forget his sin, his father's sin, or his mother's sin.
Take the curses that he put on others and put it on him.

David spews out all this anger and then.... turns from it, letting it go.
"But Thou, O God, the Lord , deal kindly with me for Thy name's sake. " ( v21)
Help me.
Save me.
Bless me.
Be my deliverer and my Advocate.

When those who are evil do there best to harm us, we need to remember these things:
1. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. We must leave it in His hands.
2. He is on the side of those who recognize their own neediness and who call on Him.

Father in heaven,  we look to You for our every need.  For daily bread.  For forgiveness. For direction. For deliverance from the evil one.  May Your Name be hallowed and praised.  May Your Kingdom come.  May Your will be done.  Yours, O God, is the glory and power, forever and ever. Amen.

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