Wednesday, November 30, 2016

II Peter 2 After Peter's exhortation to us to be diligent in our faith and to strive to increase in those qualities that our Lord shares with us from His own divine nature,  he gives a stark warning about those who would lead us away.

A false teacher can be known by these qualities:

He is secretive.
He "introduces destructive heresies".
He maligns the truth.
He is greedy.
He exploits others.
He indulges the flesh.
He despises authority.
He is daring and self-willed.
He is adulterous..
He loves money more than righteousness.
He is arrogant.
He is sensual.
And he wants to make us all like himself...

Unfortunately, they may have once been believers, but have turned their backs on the Lord.
Their destruction is coming, Peter tells us, for God is the Judge.
He judged the rebellious angels, not sparing them, but casting them into hell. ( v4)
He judged the "ancient world", sparing only Noah and his family. (v5)
He judged Sodom and Gomorrah, rescuing only Lot.(v7-8)
By these examples we can know that judgement of the wicked and rebellious, the false teachers and those who have left the Shepherd's fold - will face certain judgement.

In light of this, how much more vital is it that we are diligent in our faith.. that we abide in Him and partake of His divine nature?  We must strive to keep growing in virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love! To stay on the narrow way, the way of Truth, the way of the cross.. the way of Jesus.  How thankful we can be for verse 9... " ... the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation..." 

Father in Heaven,  we praise Your Name,  Holy One of Israel, Redeemer, Savior, Mighty God!  Keep us in Your will and in Your Kingdom forever.  Open our eyes to see You more clearly and to discern fully those who desire to lead us astray.  Keep us strong in Your strength that we may stand firm and resist evil.  Thank You for the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.  Thank You for Your grace towards us through Jesus Christ our Master. In His Name we pray. amen.

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