Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Psalm 94  " O Lord, God of vengeance ; "   This character trait belongs strictly to the Lord.  Deuteronomy 32:35-36  " Vengeance is Mine, and retribution... For the Lord will vindicate His people.. " makes this clear.  Romans 12:19 says " Never take you own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord." 

To take revenge carries the meaning of repayment for wrongs or injuries by punishing the evil doer.
It also speaks of vindication, or defense of the one wronged.  God Himself claims the right and responsibility for all vengeance.  

The psalmist calls upon the Lord to proceed with His work of vengeance in his immediate circumstances.

The wicked are proud and arrogant.
They are crushing people.
They are murdering the helpless... the widows and orphans.
They have denied God's ability to see them or care about their actions.

We wonder about this sometimes too.  Our country has experienced too much trouble and turmoil caused by these same kinds of wicked people.  We wonder how long it will be, how bad it will get before the Lord moves to punish and stop those who are evil.

But the psalmist doesn't dwell there.. he instead gives a warning, " Pay heed you senseless among the people; and when will you understand, stupid ones?" ( v8)

God made the ear,  "does He not hear?"
God formed the eye, " does He not see?"
God judges nations.
God is the teacher of all knowledge.
God knows the thoughts of every individual.
Pay attention.. for vindication, vengeance is in His Hands. Repent while you can.

The Lord will help those who call upon Him.
He will hold us up and He will console us.
He will be our stronghold, our refuge, and our defender.

And He will destroy those who continue in their wickedness and refuse to repent.

The last few psalms have focused on qualities of God that we need to meditate on and praise Him for - His lovingkindness, His faithfulness, His goodness, His Majesty, His strength, His Might, and His holiness .  And now we add to this, His vengeance....  I for one am thankful that this is His responsibility and I praise Him that He will do it perfectly for He is excellent is all His ways.

Father in Heaven,  hallowed be Your Name.  May we honor this title, " God of vengeance "  as we honor every Name that You have revealed to us, that we might know You better.  When we face those who do wickedness, help us to remember that You have already declared that You will bring vengeance.  May we warn them and lead them to You... or leave them in Your hands. Be our Rock and Consolation, O Lord.  We are confident in this truth, You will not abandon Your people and You will punish those who refuse to heed Your Word.  We cast our cares on You and cling to You, the God who reigns in majesty and splendor.  Praise to our Mighty God and to our Lord Jesus Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

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