Monday, November 14, 2016

Psalm 86  This is a personal prayer that David wrote.  It is another great prayer that we can make our own.

O Lord, incline Your ear to my prayer .
I am afflicted and in need of You.
Will You preserve my soul and save me, for I put my trust in You.
Be gracious to me Lord God.
I lift my prayers to You all the day long.
Make my heart glad and my soul rejoice, O Lord.

You are good.
You are ready to forgive. 
You are abundant in lovingkindness. 
I praise You Lord!

Lord, I bring my pleas to You, please hear me.
When I run into trouble, I will call upon You.

For there is no god like You. 
There are none who can do what You do. 
Every nation needs You Lord and one day they will all call upon You and glorify Your Name. 
You are great and wonderful. You alone are God!

Teach me Your ways, Lord.
I want to walk in the Truth.
I give my heart to You, that I might live in awe and fear of Your greatness .
I give thanks to You Lord, with all my heart.
I will glorify Your Name forever and ever.

Your lovingkindness to me... to me personally, is great!
You are my deliverer. 
You are gracious and merciful. 
You are slow to anger and abundant in love, kindness, and truth. 

Be gracious continually to us Lord.
Grant us strength to serve You.
Show us Your goodness and make the enemy be ashamed because of their hatred.
You are my help and comfort. 

Father in heaven, You are worthy of our praise.  Like David we want to exalt You and lift up Your Name. Thank You for this psalm, for the words that help us to praise You.
You are good.
You forgive us our sins!
You show us compassion.
You alone are God and there is none like You.
No one can do what You do.
You are great.
You do wonderful works.
You deliver us when we call on You.
You give to us what we do not deserve.
You help us.
You comfort us.
You are all we need.
We love You Lord.
Keep us in Your paths and help us to do what pleases You , all the day long.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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