Friday, November 25, 2016

Psalm 90  This extraordinary prayer is credited to Moses, a man who was as close to God as humanly possible.  His prayer gives us insight into his understanding and knowledge of God and into the life of men.

v 1 -2- The Lord is "the dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were born, or Thou didst give birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. "

God, the Creator, who "birthed" the mountains and the earth itself,  is our home.  He is the eternal God.  He has always been and will always be the Almighty Lord.  We only have life because He gives it.  We only have the universe because He made it. There is nowhere where He is not .. because all of His creation is in Him.  It ... the world, the earth, the universe is not our habitation.. He is.

This is a profound thought in light of our culture's current philosophies.  It is a truth that hits me anew right now. How often do we think of God as being out there somewhere, looking down at our world? But, Moses understood and we need to understand more clearly the Presence of God.  We want His manifest Presence and pray for open eyes... and we need to.. but, all along He has been and always will be our home.  I need to meditate on this some more.  Lord, give me understanding, please.

v3-12  Moses talks about the life of men.
We are dust... and we go back to dust.
Our births and our deaths are ordered by God's word.
Time is not a concern of God's for it has meaning only for man.
Generations come and go in His sight .. like morning when the grass sprouts and evening when it fades away.
God's focus is not on the length of our lives, but on the quality of it - do we finish our years in unconfessed sin and unrepentant hearts... and be consumed by His anger?  Or do we realize that this life is limited and with a heart of wisdom, fear His wrath and repent?

v13-17 We seek the Lord and He will let us find Him .  He is the One Who shows compassion on us with His great mercy.  He is the One who gives us joy and satisfies our souls.  He is the One who shows favor to us and gives us purpose by confirming the "work of our hands".
We need to see His works and His majesty.
We need to understand Him more, to know Him more, like Moses did.

Father in heaven, Great and Mighty are You!  Lord, our God, we live in You.  You are our HOME.  Father, it is in awe of You that we come and worship.. that we bow before You and praise You.  Your perfect plan for the whole universe is in Your everlasting arms.  We do not need to fear the events or actions of this sin sick world.  But, in holy fear of the One who sweeps away evil in Your wrath, we come to You in repentance and find forgiveness through Jesus, the Lamb of God.  Thank You for the works of Your Hands and the glory of Your grace. Amen!

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