Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Peter 1

Like James, Peter writes about the value of true faith, proven faith. This kind of faith is worth more than gold, Peter tells us. Gold is perishable, but faith is not.  We know the value of gold is subjective. Its worth is based on what it can be traded for - food, clothing, shelter.. etc. Its value is temporal.  In eternity we are told, gold is what we will walk on...
But the value of tested and proven faith is - salvation . The result of faith is praise and glory and honor when Jesus comes. Its worth is eternal.

verses 10-12  Peter writes that "this salvation" that we receive as a the outcome of our faith was prophesied by the prophets and longed for by the angels before it was revealed by the Holy Spirit.

"Therefore"... Because of the greatness of God, His mercy towards us, the living hope He gives us, the inheritance that awaits us and the salvation offered to us .. through faith.... we need to :

"gird up" our minds for action..... get our thinking belted in.. under control;
be "sober in spirit" ... clear headed and focused'
"fix our hope completely on .. grace" of Jesus;
 be "obedient children";
forsake the things that we once lusted after when we were unaware of the truth;
"be holy.. in all (our)  behavior";
"conduct" ourselves in righteous fear of the One we call Father ;
and "fervently love one another from the heart".

We have been bought, redeemed "with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ". 
We have obeyed the truth, purified our souls, and believed in God.
We are born again of imperishable seed... the living and abiding word of God.

Father in heaven, thank You for the mercy You have given to us, redeeming us and making us Your own.  Father, fill us with Your Spirit so that we are sanctified through and through.  May we be holy in our thinking, in our actions, and in our reactions.  Fill us with Your love that we might love one another fervently.  We fix our hope on You alone, as we pray in the Name of our Gracious Lord, Jesus.

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