Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Psalm 85 - in my own words;

Lord, You showed Your favor to Israel.
You restored them from captivity.
You forgave their iniquity.
You covered their sins.
You stopped being angry at them.

Like that, Lord, would You restore our nation?
Would You turn Your anger back from us?
Will You revive us again?
May we who follow You, see Your lovingkindness and rejoice?

We pray that You will bring salvation to our land as well as to Israel.
May we hear Your voice once more.
Speak peace to us.
Help us not to be foolish anymore.
May the nations fear Your Holy Name.
May Your glory cover the earth.
Manifest Your Presence once again.
Open our eyes to know Your loving kindness and truth, Your righteousness and peace.
Let Truth spring up from the earth and righteousness rain down from heaven.
Let the goodness of the Lord bring forth good fruit .
Lord, lead us in Your ways.. as we walk in Your footsteps.

James 5:1-6
James exhorts those who have been unjust to repent.
They have hoarded their money, cheated their workers, and lived for their own pleasures.
Because of this God will bring judgement upon them unless they repent.
Their riches will rot.
Their clothing will be ruined.
Their treasures will rust.
Misery will be their reward.

v7-20  James exhorts the brethren to be patient.
As a farmer waits for his crops to mature before he harvests them, we are to wait for the Lord is coming. We are to wait with patience.
James also exhorts us in these ways:
We are to wait with strength of heart.
We are to wait without complaining.
We are to wait without judging one another.
We are to endure like Job and the prophets.
We are to trust in the compassion and mercy of God for the outcome He will bring.
We are to be honest in our dealings with others.
We are to pray for one another.
We are to seek healing from the Lord and ask for the elders to pray for us.
We are to confess our sins to one another.
We are to turn back those who have strayed from the truth.
We are to pray effectively.

Father, once again we ask that You teach us to pray.  May Your Name be hallowed and exalted in all the earth.  May Your Kingdom Come.  May Your will be done.  Give us our daily bread, for all comes from Your hands and You are our Provider.  Thank You.  Forgive us our sins and cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness. May we be merciful to those who have harmed us, forgiving completely.  Lead us in Truth and purity, away from temptation and evil. Deliver us from the evil one.  For the Kingdom is Yours, the Glory is Yours, and the Power is Yours alone!

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