Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Psalm 87  Zion - the city of God.   This title is used to speak of Jerusalem, specifically the temple mount.  It is also used to speak of the Heavenly City, the place of God's throne.
Either way, this psalm gives us some facts about this place:

It is the "foundation" of God.  v1
Its gates are loved by the Lord. v2
It is loved more than any other place.
It is highly praised. v3
It is the birthplace of nations. v4
It is established by God Himself. v5
There is significance in  being born there. v6
It is a place of music and joy. v7

This psalm brings to mind the old hymn, "We're Marching to Zion", which is specifically speaking of the heavenly home.  The chorus goes, " We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God."   Zion is a place of joy, for there we will know the sweetest songs, the greatest joys, and the fairest worlds, according to this hymn.

It also reminds me of a song that Wayne Watson sang a few years back, "Born in Zion".   In it he talks about how the ones born in Zion are those who will never die; those who belong to the Father.

I may never walk in the streets of the earthly city of Jerusalem, but I know that one day I will go home to the city of God, the beautiful city called Zion.  One day, those who have been born in Zion will see it and rejoice forever.   Randy Alcorn writes " If we can fix our eyes on Jesus, to see through the fog and picture our eternal home in our mind's eye, it will comfort and energize us, giving us a clear look at the finish line." We need a "clear view of Heaven", he tells us. This psalm helps us to see it a little more clearly....

Father in Heaven, we rejoice in the wonderful truth of Your Word, that someday we will see You and be with You forever.  We will see Jesus in the glory You gave to Him before the foundations of the world.  We will breathe the air of Heaven, which is love.  How we praise You once again for Your grace towards us.  Thank You.

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