Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Psalm 89  The first part of this psalm is full of praise and exaltation:
" I will sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever !'
God is faithful.
God is kind.
God is awesome.
God is mighty.
God is righteous.

The psalmist recalls the Lord's covenant with David.  He praises the works of His hand.  He proclaims the excellencies of the Lord.  He remembers God's promise to David, a throne established forever.

But, starting at verse 38, the psalmist gives a glimpse of his struggle...  he is holding on to his faith, but he isn't seeing the Lord at work in his day.
He feels cast off and rejected.
He feels that God has broken the covenant.
Israel has become a reproach.
The splendor of David's kingdom is gone.
Where has the Lord gone?

There was no way that Ethan, the psalmist, could see the bigger picture that we have the privilege of seeing.. that the throne of David would be forever the throne of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.
It is His horn that is exalted.
It is Jesus who cries out to the Father.
It is Jesus who is the highest King.
It is Jesus who was rejected.
It is Jesus who bore all our reproach.
It is Jesus who will fulfill every promise.

The psalmist was diligent to keep on looking to the Lord, even when he felt such despondency.
"Blessed be the Lord forever!" 

May we do the same!

Father, You are mighty and You are faithful.  We do not see the big picture like You do.  We do not know what the future holds for ourselves, our families, or our country.  But, we do know that You have it all in Your hands.  We are so thankful for the living hope we have in Christ Jesus!  He is our eternal King and all of Your promises will be fulfilled in Him  by Your faithfulness.  You are righteous and we put our trust in You alone.  Blessed are You forever and ever. Amen.

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