Monday, November 7, 2016

I Peter 1

Peter wrote to the refugees that had fled to the north of Israel.  This area is now Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and perhaps some of Iran.  He is writing to the believers who were facing persecution for being christians.

Verses 1-2
To the "chosen" :
 You were foreknown by God the Father.    He has known you since you were in your mother's womb.. and even from eternity, He has known you.
You have been sanctified by the work of the Spirit.  You are purified, restored to the state of purity.
You have been chosen so that you will obey Jesus and be sprinkled with His blood. You have been given ears to hear His Words and to heed them.  Obedience is attentive listening accompanied by compliance and submission. The act of sprinkling in the old testament law was a sign of cleansing and a symbol of a covenant made. So, we are cleansed and brought into a relationship with our Master, Jesus.

As the chosen... as a "christian" we are fully known by the Father and purified by the Spirit, for a covenant relationship with the Son.

Verse 3-5 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...." 
Peter offers up praise to God for:
 His great mercy that "caused us to be born again"
 A living hope that is "through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
 An inheritance "which is imperishable and undefiled... reserved in heaven for you." 
 Protection by His power.
"A salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

This is cause for us to "greatly rejoice" Peter writes,  "with joy inexpressible and full of glory." 
For even the trials and distresses of life are producing  "praise and glory and honor.".. when faith is proved and love endures. For the outcome is "the salvation of your souls." ( v9)

Father, You know our every thought and every intent of our hearts.  You know us better than we know ourselves. You have chosen to show us mercy, even when we do not deserve anything at all.  You have cleansed us from all our sin and made us brand new, "born again", purified by Your Spirit and sprinkled by the blood of Your Precious Son, our Lord Jesus.  It is in the covenant sealed by His sacrifice that we have a living hope. Our hope is found in Him.  The hope of an inheritance, the hope of protection, and the hope of eternal salvation.  In these promises we rejoice. O Lord God, help us, help me to grasp the greatness of Your promises and truly rejoice with inexpressible joy and glory!
May praise and glory and honor be to You, Blessed Father.

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