Tuesday, November 29, 2016

2 Peter 1

This letter is addressed to those who have "a faith of the same kind as ours"... a faith that comes by "the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ."

3 times Peter uses the word "knowledge" ( epignosis)  here:
v2 "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."
v3 ".. through the true knowledge of Him who called us... "
v8 "... in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ"

It is in the context or "true knowledge",  of full acknowledgement and recognition of the supremacy of Jesus Christ as Lord and Master as testified by God Himself when He said " This is My beloved Son with whom I am well pleased"..  as reported by the eyewitness.. Peter, himself, that we believe and live.

Peter urges us to be "diligent" - to personally give much attention and care - to His calling and choosing of us to this life of faith.  Jesus has given us all we need to live this life:
It comes by His "divine power", not by our own strength or determination .
It is "everything" we need for "life and godliness".
It leads us to partake - to share, fellowship, partner - in "the divine nature". 

All of theses things are secured by His promises.. "His precious and magnificent promises", but we have to be diligent... we need to pay attention to how we live.
We need to keep walking in faith.  It is not a one time commitment, but a daily focus.  Am I exercising faith in Jesus right this moment?  Am I trusting Him for salvation, for life, and for everything I need to live according to His will? Do I trust His promises for myself, for my family... right now, this very moment?
We need to "supply moral excellence".  Am I diligent to be virtuous and honorable? To partner in the divine nature I must not bring any impure thoughts or words or actions. Have I repented of all uncleanness and impurity in my life?  I must be diligent to keep my heart free from evil. The Greek word here also has the idea of valor and excellence. We depend on Christ's divine power to renovate our character to be like His own.
We need to add knowledge.  This is the greek word "gnosis", the act of knowing. Understanding and being aware of truth.  We need to think clearly and to live according to truth as opposed to ignorance or deception or worldly philosophies.  Am I diligent to know God's Word so well that I can recognize a phony teaching?  It is important the I do this!  For my own sake and for the sake of those I love.
We need to add self-control.   Am I diligent to exercise self-restraint?  Do I allow my appetite.. physically, emotionally, or spiritually.. to get out of hand?  Jesus has given us this gift of self-control and I need to practice it daily.
We need to add perseverance.  The greek word is hupomone - cheerful or hopeful endurance, constancy.. patient continuance.  Am I persevering?  Do I give up to easily?  Am I hopeful and cheerful in my waiting for His promises to be fulfilled?
We need to add godliness.  He has called us to be holy as He is holy.  Set apart. God focused.  Him first.. His will, His way, and His Righteousness.  Is my life about Him, or about me and mine?  Oh, Lord help me to seek You first and Your kingdom and Your righteousness!
We need to add brotherly kindness. By His divine power at work in me, I am able to show this brotherly love and affection to others... but it is an area that I need to be diligent in.  I have a tendency to be more introverted and a bit distant sometimes.  Lord, I need Your divine power to grow in this area too.
And finally, we need to add love.  Agape love.  Benevolent, giving, generous, grace-filled love. The kind of love we must first receive from our Heavenly Father.  Lord, add more love to my character.

Peter tells us that when we are diligent to add theses traits to our lives in faith.. we will not be "unfruitful" or "useless".  But if we don't work on these, we are "blind or short-sighted", and we may have even forgotten that Jesus saved us from our sins.

Father, we come in the name of Jesus, our Master, seeking Your divine Presence once again.  Lead us in Your ways, that we may abide in You, partake of Your nature, and be good and faithful servants.  Increase these qualities in our lives Lord.  Work on our faith, our virtue, our knowledge of the Truth, our self-control, our perseverance, our godliness, our kindness, and our love.. helping us to grow in the likeness of Jesus our Lord.  Thank You for the reminder from Your Word, that You have given us everything we need, in Jesus, to be all that You want us to be.  May Your will be done to Your glory and honor. Amen.

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