Thursday, September 29, 2016

Psalm 65  This song is a great pattern for us to use- to worship the Lord.. it gives us words that are deliberate and holy and appropriate... and practical.

v1 " There will be silence before Thee and praise in Zion, O God."  

Silent praise?   This can be translated, "praise is due Thee" or "Silence is praise". " It may sometimes be the height of worship, in other words, to fall silent before God in awe at His presence and in submission to His will." ( Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)  Before we can truly worship God, we need to come into conscious awareness of His holy presence. To say with Jacob, " Surely the Lord is in this place.." ( Genesis 28:16).  We are also told that God inhabits "the praises" of His people. ( Psalm 22:3)

In silent thoughtful praise, we  begin to approach the throne of our Mighty God and enter into His courts to worship with reverent, humble, and holy awe.

v2-3  " O Thou who dost hear prayer, to Thee all men come.  Iniquities prevail against me; as for our transgressions, Thou dost forgive them."

Our most vital prayer, the one that must proceed any other, the one our Savior requires of us, is the prayer of repentance.  We all must lay our guilt before Him.  Individually and corporately. We owe a debt that we cannot repay, but He forgives... what amazing grace!   It is in the receiving of God's forgiveness that we can cross the threshold of His sanctuary

v4 "How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose, and bring near to Thee, to dwell in Thy courts.  We will be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, Thy holy temple. "

The Old Testament Law restricted the people who would come and live at the temple -the Levites were chosen and set apart for this holy work.  The sacrifices were their responsibility and also their provisions. It was an honor to be a priest in the Lord's House.  Through Jesus Christ, we are also invited in!  Hebrews 10:19 -22" since therefore brethren, we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus... let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith... " 

We are invited into not only the temple, but Jesus has torn the vail so that we might enter right into the throne room. 

Now that we are here, we fall before Him and worship. 

Our Lord, the God of our salvation, we worship You, for You have done "awesome deeds". You have answered our prayers "in righteousness." ( v5)
You, Lord, are the "trust of all the earth and of the farthest sea."  There is no place nor no man who cannot trust in the faithfulness of God.
Our God has established the mountains.
Our God has stilled the roaring seas.
Our God has stilled the "tumult of the peoples."
Our God instills awe even in those "who dwell in the ends of the earth". 
Our God designs the sunrise and the sunset.
Our God provides the earth with rain and soil and sunshine - that the grain will grow and provide food for our bodies.
Our God blesses the pastures, the hills, the meadows and the valleys... and
"They shout for joy, yes, they sing."

Father in heaven, all glorious Thou art! You have made the way by Your grace and mercy that we may come into Your presence and draw near to You.  In awe we bow before You to praise You.  Your deeds are awesome, Your forgiveness... astounding.  Your power is perfect and Your righteousness is so glorious! Thank You for Your Word that gives us words to voice our praise and worship to You.  We shout and sing for joy before You alongside all of Your creation. Amen and amen.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Psalm 64  David's prayer here is a desperate complaint, one that has made him "faint", filling him with dread.  He feels betrayed by this "secret" enemy.
His life is threatened.
He is in tumult.
Their words are like sharp swords.
Their "bitter speech" - like arrows.
They ambush him from their hiding places.
Their purpose is evil.
They lay out snares to trap him.
Their plots are "well-conceived".

The enemy is real.  We are also in the crosshairs. Satan is the one who is behind evil for he has taken hold of the hearts of men. But, once again David reminds us of the power and glory of God!

God's arrow will wound in the deepest part of man,  the heart.
"Suddenly they will be wounded;" 
They will stumble.
Their own tongues will turn against themselves.
They will fall.

And God will be glorified!
"Then all men will fear and will declare the work of God, and will consider what He has done. "

"The righteous man will be glad in the Lord, and will take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart will glory."

Father in heaven, You are the Lord of heaven and earth and there is none like You. We seek You and desperately cry to You, for You are our refuge and help.  Our country is in such a mess and we are headed into further disaster unless You intervene.  Consider the evil in the hearts of men and deliver us from their traps, their plots, and their arrows of destruction.  Wound those who desire to wound Your people. May they stumble and fall into their own traps.  May we once again know the fear of the Lord and rejoice in Your mighty works on behalf of Your children. Your lovingkindness is better than life, O God.  May we not forget it.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Psalm 63  David, living in the wilderness, hiding from Saul and waiting for the Lord to fulfill His word... worships.

Worship - it is so much more than our modern day ideas...
The most used Hebrew word that is interrupted as "worship" is the word shachah - meaning "to depress, prostrate, bow; pay homage to royalty or to God;  to bow self down; to crouch, fall down flat; humbly beseech, do ( make) obeisance ( the gesture of respect or reverence, such as a bow or curtsy) ; do reverence ( a feeling or attitude of deep respect, love, and awe, as for something sacred; veneration; manifesting this with a bow, curtsy  or similar gesture of respect) ;

In the New Testament we have the Greek word - proskuneo - to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand, to fawn, crouch, prostrate oneself, do reverence, adore.  But there are several other words that are translated as worship also :
sebomai - to revere, adore, devout, religious - as in Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7:7 " But in vain do they worship me...."
enopion - in the face of, before, in the presence, sight of;  Luke 4:7 "Therefore, if You worship before me, it shall be Yours",  Satan tempts Jesus with these words.  This word is derives from 2 others and speak to position - time, place, state; and to gaze, with wide-open eyes at something remarkable;
doxa - glory, dignity, glorious, honor, praise
latreuo - to minister, serve, render homage, do the service,  ( as in Acts 7:42, in Stephen's message, " But God turned away and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven..." ; Hebrews 10:2)
eusebee - be pious toward God, to worship , respect ( Acts 17:23 - " the objects of worship" )
ethelothreskeia - voluntary, arbitrary and unwarranted, piety, sanctimony,  to choose, will - ceremonial observance, ( Col. 2:23 " .. in self-made religion and self- abasement... "
therapeuo - to wait upon menially; to adore God, to relieve of disease, cure, heal,
proskunetes - an adorer, worshipper ( John 4:23 - " ... when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth..."

Listening to Christian radio last week I heard David Jeremiah talk about  the missionary, Hudson  Taylor , who  got up before dawn every single morning to worship God.   Not interceding, not asking for anything.. but worshipping.  That testimony hit me right in the heart - when have I ever spent that much time worshipping?  As I have been contemplating this I had to dive into the real meaning of this word. And, I found out that it is so much more than I had ever realized...

I believe that David understood the true meaning of worship and his writings in the Psalms helps me to see it more clearly.  This psalm is a great example.
" O God, Thou are my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee...."(v1a)
True worship begins when we turn towards God, when we seek to connect with Him intimately - with our whole self.   Worship is personal, even in a corporate setting.  It is not accomplished by listening, singing, or leading music... for those things can be done without God present.  True worship demands the Presence of God, the One worshipped, and the presence of the worshipper, who bows before Him to show reverence and honor, and adoration by bowing before Him.  There must be a connection. 

"Thus I have beheld Thee in the sanctuary, to see Thy power and Thy glory. " ( v2)  Worship is a response.  We behold, experience, witness, the One Who is worthy of such a response.   In David's life, it is the Power and Glory of Yahweh, that he saw first hand when he went to the tabernacle to offer sacrifices to the Lord. " Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. So I will bless Thee as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Thy name." ( v3-4)  Our God is all powerful and glorious, and we know it because in His great love and kindness, He has revealed Himself to us.  We need to see, we need to really see Him.. acknowledge, recognize, and gratefully confess His power and love in our lives. 
He created us.
He formed us.
He delivered us.
He redeemed us.
He provides for us.
He adopted us.
He knows us.
He love us.
He sent His Son to die for us.
He has a future plan for us.
And this very moment, He sees us.
Do we behold His power, glory, and lovingkindness?  If so, we will worship Him, bowing down before Him and giving Him the honor and respect and reverence that is due Him. 
Anything else is empty, religious piety..

David finds satisfaction and joy in God. ( v5)
He finds himself thinking about Him through the night. ( v6)
He finds help and comfort in Him. (v7)
He clings to God and is upheld by Him. (v8)

David has made that connection with God, through worship and he doesn't want to lose it, day or night.  He is made confident in the promises that God has given him... for his good and for the defeat of those who are enemies. That kind of confidence comes only through the connection with the One who has all power, love, and glory.

Father, I want to learn to worship You as David did.  Open my eyes to see You.  To behold Your glory.  To  worship You, in spirit and in truth.  I bow before You now and proclaim Your power, love and glory. In the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit.. amen.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Psalm 62    " My soul waits in silence for God only..."   wait quietly, silent, still, trusting;
God is our salvation;
He is our only rock;
He is our stronghold;
In Him we will not be shaken.

Men assail each other.
They murder.
They speak falsehoods.
They curse you behind your back.

But, David reminds us,  we do not need to fear, for we can "wait in silence for God only." v5
This is a different Hebrew word for wait than in verse 1.  This is damam - to be dumb, to be astonished, to stop... forbear, hold peace, quiet self, rest, keep silent, be still, tarry...
For our hope is from God.
He is our rock and salvation.
He is our stronghold that keeps us from being shaken.
He is our strength and our refuge.
We can trust in Him at all times.
We can pour out our hearts before Him.
"God is a refuge for us." 

Men, whether of low or high rank, are like a vapor.. here and then gone.
Men of power or wealth are unreliable, so we cannot trust them or  set our hearts on them.

But, God is absolutely faithful!
All "power belongs to God"!
And "lovingkindness is Thine, O Lord,"

God is the final and only righteous Judge. He will "recompense a man according to his work."  
This last statement is very important.

Matthew 16:27 " For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and will then recompense every man according to his deeds."  Jesus tells His disciples and us.

Paul wrote in Romans 2:5-10 using this same quote, stating that the stubborn and unrepentant hearts are storing up wrath for themselves with their selfish ambitions, disobedience to the truth, and unrighteousness.  But, those who "by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life" .. will receive "glory and honor and peace" 

 In I Cor. 3:8, he writes, " but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor." 

Jesus speaks again about this in Revelation 2:23b "... I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds."  In this letter to the church at Thyatira, Jesus clearly reveals what this means.. " I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance... " and " ... he who overcomes, and he who keeps my deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations."   But, the one He calls "Jezebel"  who is leading the church astray.. with immorality and idolatry, will be punished severely, along with all who have followed her and do not repent.

Father in heaven,  we hear Your words today. Our deeds, of love,  faith, service, and perseverance, are the deeds You search for in our lives. Like David, our salvation and glory rest on You. Let our labor done in faith and reliance on You, bear much fruit, that we might receive the reward that You have promised -  eternal life. For all power and mercy are Yours.  We know Lord that You are our rock and salvation and our hope is in You only. May we be still and silent as we wait on You and for You. This is our heart's plea that we pour out before You now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. amen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Psalm 61  David is without doubt a true worshipper of God.  This psalm expresses his heart for and his confidence in his Lord:

You are my refuge, my "tower of strength against the enemy." 
" Let me dwell in Thy tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Thy wings." 
You have heard me.
You have given me... an inheritance.
You will prolong the King's life.
"He will abide before God forever";

"I will sing praise to Thy name forever, that I may pay my vows day by day." 

The phrase " pay my vows" is used in many of David's psalms - 22:25;56:12; 50:14; 65:1;  and 76:11
which tells us to "make vows and fulfill them".  
Deuteronomy 23:21-23  states, " When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it, for it would be sin in you, and the Lord your God will surely require it of you. However if you refrain from vowing, it would not be sin in you. You shall be careful to perform what goes from your lips, just as you have voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God, what you have promised." 

Jesus has a word for us on this topic in Matthew 5,  " Again you have heard that the ancients were told, 'You shall not make false vows, but shall fulfill your vows to the Lord.'  But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.  But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No,no' and beyond these is of evil. " 

 Vows and oaths are serious things.  When we make a promise to God and we do not complete it, then it is a sin.  Jesus instructs us to speak the truth always and to not bind ourselves to an oath that we cannot complete.

We do not know what all vows David has made to the Lord, but we see that he intends on fulfilling his every promise.  Foremost on his mind seems to be his promise to worship God forever. In fact he will do this "day by day".  In Psalm 145:2 he wrote, " Every day I will bless Thee, and I will praise Thy name forever and ever." 

We need to stop and examine our own hearts and minds... what promises have we made to the Lord our God?  Have we done what we promised?  What words have come from my own lips that He will hold me accountable for?

A few things that come to my mind:
I have said that I will trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding, that I will acknowledge Him in all my ways... am I doing that?
I have said that I will surrender all to Him, that I will lay down my life and take up my cross and follow Him.  Oh Lord, help me to do that day by day!
I have said that I will worship Him, love Him, serve Him... can I say that I am doing this?

Father of mercy and love,  hear my heart's cry, "lead me to the rock that is higher than I".  Let me dwell in Your presence and find refuge under Your wings.  You have heard my vows, my words, my promises to You... help me to complete them faithfully every day that I might abide with You forever.
Praise to You, my God and King, who looks with lovingkindness at Your beloved children, and shows infinite, glorious, grace.  Amen.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Psalm 60  When there is a breach between us and the Lord - it is like an earthquake that has split open the ground, David says in a picture painted by his words here.  A breach comes when we are:
Rejected by God
Broken by His anger
Tottering in the chaos
Staggering in the hardships
Fleeing in fear.. because of the reality of His Truth.. 
Because of our sin, because of our unbelief, because of our failures..

Yet, it is the Lord Who  alone can heal us... and close that breach.
We are still His beloved.
He still saves with His powerful right Hand.
He still speaks "in His holiness".... and reminds us that:

The promised land - Shechem, Succoth, Giliad, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Judah are His.
"... is Mine";  "the helmet of My head";  "My scepter";-  All belong to Him!

And the enemy is also His. " Moab is my washbowl; Over Edom I shall throw My shoe."  God will do what He desires with every nation.  Even ours!

In light of this Truth, David calls out to the only One Who can deliver, " And wilt Thou not go forth with our armies, O God?  O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain."
And in steadfast faith, David proclaims, " Through God we shall do valiantly, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries." 

Mighty God, our Beloved Father, Who sees us and knows our hearts, forgive every trespass, every time we have caused that breach between You and us. Heal our hearts. Do not reject us but restore us and help us in this war against the enemy of our souls.  May we stand firm against him, being girded with Your truth, covered by Your righteousness, shod with Your peace,  wearing the helmet of Your salvation, carrying the shield of faith and the sword of Your Spirit, the Word of God.  We belong to You and we put our trust in You alone. In Christ our Lord we abide. Amen.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Psalm 59  David writes again about his real - life situation - he is in the crosshairs of his enemy and his only way out is the Lord. Listen to how he describes the enemy :

They rise against him..
they do iniquity
they are men of bloodshed
they have set up an ambush
they are fierce
they have launched an attack for no reason
they are treacherous
they are like wild dogs, howling throughout the city
they "belch forth with their mouth"
they have swords "in their lips"
they don't care about who hears their foul words,
they boast and curse
they growl when they don't get what they want;

The worst of the worst.  The kind of people you don't want to meet in the daylight out on the boulevard let alone in a dark alley.  Picture a gang of thugs, a terrorist camp, or a prison yard.  These kinds of men would be nothing compared with the enemy outside David's camp, seeking to destroy him.  And this is what Saul has turned into.  The man who was anointed the first king of Israel, but turned his back on the Lord, has become like a mad dog.

David is without hope except for the Hand of the Almighty.  But, his faith does not waver for he knows that God is able to deliver him!  So as always, he prays:

"Deliver me from my enemies, O my God. Set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me." v1
Deliver me
Save me
"Arouse Thyself to help me, and see!"
"And Thou, O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to punish all the nations." 

And then David's heart begins to worship:
"My God in His lovingkindness will meet me;
God will let me look triumphantly upon my foes." 
God will scatter the enemy because His power is greater.
God is his shield.
God rules!

David's prayer starts with his petition that leads to praise.  But, David does not stop there.  This prayer has led to a renewed faith and spirit.  "But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength"   - literally, I will go about as a minstrel singing with joy "of Thy lovingkindness in the morning."
"O my strength, I will sing praises to Thee" - singing songs of celebration.   He will sing OF the Lord and He will sing TO the Lord.... even when the battle is still going on.

Our real-life battles are nothing like David's.. at least for most of us in this country.. yet.  But, it could become a lot worse, even in our lifetimes, if we continue down this wicked path that our nation has chosen.  Ungodly men and women in leadership positions are enabling Satan to attack the Church more and more.  We must keep our eyes on the Lord, pray without ceasing, and praise without hesitation.  We need the kind of faith that David received so that we might also find strength in the Lord.  May we sing of Him, so the world will hear of His great lovingkindness and may we sing to Him in joyous celebration of His might and power exhibited on our behalf.

Father God, You are our refuge and strength .  We look to You and know that You rule over all the earth, including here in our nation. Pour out Your grace and power upon us that we might be Your messengers to a lost world in need of the good news of Jesus Christ, for it is in His name that we pray. Amen.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Psalm 58   Today's paper has an article about a religious ceremony in India... a plaster statue with a head like an elephant that the people worshiped and then sank it in the ocean.  My heart feels pity and sadness for those people whose god is made of plaster and offered into the water.. for what? It is vanity!

There is no god like the Lord Most High!

Idols cannot speak... let alone speak righteousness.
They cannot judge uprightly, nor give their followers right judgement.
".... in heart you work unrighteousness".. David writes.  Those who worship idols end up:

David's prayer against these kind is bold;
"O God, shatter their teeth in their mouth"
"Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord"
"Let them flow away like water."
"When he aims his arrows, let them be headless shafts."
"Let them be like a snail which melts away as it goes along. Like a miscarriage of a woman which never see the sun."
"Sweep them away with a whirlwind".

"Surely there is a God who judges the earth."

God is the Righteous Judge.  He knows every heart.  He sees clearly those who reject His Son and choose false gods.  He will take vengeance against those who terrorize and oppress and deceive and persecute His people. And we will rejoice in Him.

Father in Heaven,  Come and move in our lives,  let Your kingdom come and Your will be done.  Glorify Your Name in all the earth. We praise You, O Righteous Judge and we put our trust in You alone. Bring the lost into Your light. Bring the deceived into Your truth.  Free the captives from Satan's strongholds.  Heal our nation, our world, from the plague of sin and rebellion. And take away the weapons of destruction and violence.   O Lord Jesus, come quickly!  We need You every day and every hour.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Psalm 57  What starts out as a prayer, a desperate cry for help, turns into a magnificent song of praise and adoration.

David calls out to God, to "God Most High" to be gracious to him.  God is his refuge and David places himself "in the shadow of Thy wings".  And once there - secure in the One who has led him to this cave "until the destruction passes by".. David's eyes are opened and  he sees his Savior;  proclaiming:
God "accomplishes all things for me; He will send from heaven and save me." ( v 2- 3)

We serve the God Most High and can rejoice that what He did for David, He will also do for us.

Our Lord will reproach those who trample His children.
God sends us His lovingkindness and truth.
Despite those around us who are like lions who want to devour us... our God will be exalted!
His glory is above all the earth.
His lovingkindness is great to the heavens.
His truth is higher than the clouds.

So, give thanks among the peoples of the earth.
Sing praises to God among the nations.
Exalt Him always.
Be steadfast in singing praises to the God Most High even when the enemy is closing in!

Father, Your glory extends further than our planet, our solar system, and our universe!  Your lovingkindness is infinite and covers our world.  Your truth fills our atmosphere and goes beyond the limits of Your creation.  Forgive us for thinking too little of You.  You are exalted and worthy of our praise.  May we be steadfast, fixed and firm in our trust in You, may we exalt You and sing praises with thankful hearts.   Open our eyes to see You, especially in times of trouble.  We do not need to fear what man can do, but to worship You with all of our hearts.  Strengthen us in Your strength O Lord. Keep us in the shadow of Your wings and yet help us to sing praises among the nations.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Psalm 56  Lord, open our ears to hear, receive, understand, and live according to these truths!

God is gracious to us, even when we are trampled by men.  v1
God is trustworthy, so when we are afraid we can put our trust in Him. v3
God will "put down" the wicked and cast them forth. v7
God takes account of our "wanderings" and our "tears". v8
God has us written in His book. v8
God is "for me", for us; and He hears us when we call; v9
God delivers our souls from death, v13
God keeps our feet from stumbling, v13

We praise His Word.
We render Him thanks.
We walk before Him.
We have life in Him.

A verse to memorize and meditate on : " When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee." v3
When are we afraid?
When we have been trampled on;
When we are oppressed;
When others fight against us;
When our words are distorted;
When others plan evil against us;
When we are attacked;
When we are stalked and threatened.

Father, no matter how minor or major the threats are, sometimes we are afraid.  So, we thank You for this reminder that "mere man" is nothing compared with You.  Lord, You are the King of heaven and earth and there is none like You.  You know us so intimately that You have kept track of our tears..
You hear us and will help us. When I am afraid, Lord, I will put my trust in You.  How wonderful is Your Word!  How thankful I am that You reveal Yourself to us and we can know that You are for us!
Fill us Holy Spirit so that we will walk before You in the light of this day.  In Jesus' Name we pray. amen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Psalm 55

David faced many enemies during his lifetime.  From the giant Goliath to his own son, Absalom, and especially his father-in-law, Saul,  David's life was in often in jeopardy.

David writes many of these psalms to lay out his troubles and fears to the Lord.  But, he also continually reclaims and pronounces where his faith stands:
"As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me." (v16)
This is not just a flippant statement or a quick verse to recite to oneself to boost your own courage.  It is David, pouring out all his complaints, his fears, his anguish, and his hurts to the One Who hears and saves.

"God will hear and answer..." David encourages us.
"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (v22)

We do not face the kinds of perils that David did, but we do face a common enemy.. the enemy of our souls, who desires to devour us and to shake our faith.  Like David, we need to stand firm and profess "But I will trust in Thee."  Then, we will not be moved or shaken, no matter what troubles we meet.

Thank You Father for the truth of Your Word and the greatness of Your love towards us.  Lord, may we stand firm against the enemy, strengthened by Your strength.  Gird us with Your Truth.  Cover us with Your righteousness.  Grant us Your peace and salvation. We take up the shield of faith, living "by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me".  We take up the sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word.  We come in prayer to seek You, to commune with You, and to call on You, our Refuge, our Sustainer, and our God.  Glory and honor and praises we sing to You.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Psalm 54  David records this prayer as he and his men are hiding from Saul.  David parted ways with Jonathan after they made a covenant between them. He then went south to Ziph which was 4 miles south of Hebron.  When the Ziphites told Saul that David was there, the pursuit began.  David went to Horesh ( the forest) south of Ziph about 2 miles and then to Maon another 2 miles.  This area is where David went on one side of the mountain as Saul came along the other side.   Saul was called away because of the Philistines, so David escaped.   He then went to the Arabah, the desert area filled with canyons and cliffs.  After that he went to the oasis of Engedi.

In this context we hear David's prayer.  " Save me, O God, by Thy Name, and vindicate me by Thy power.  Hear my prayer, O God; Give ear to the words of my mouth." ( v1-2)

The strangers and violent men who have risen up against David would include the men of Ziph who "... have not set God before them". (v3).

David continues to put his trust in God, his Helper and his Sustainer.  He trusts the Lord to "recompense the evil" and to "destroy them".   He affirms his worship to the Lord alone and gives thanks to the deliverance that is been given and  for that which is yet to come.  David is satisfied with the Lord's actions on his behalf.

Even in the most trying, confusing, and frightening situations, we need to keep our trust in the One who alone is our Helper and Sustainer.  Our world is full of people who do not "set God before them".  But like David, we need to trust God to  "recompense the evil" and destroy the evil doers.
Like David, let us worship the Lord with joy and thanksgiving.. in the midst of our troubles and for His future works that He will do for us.  We  must keep our eyes on the "unseen".   This is true faith.
God hears us.
He sees us.
 He knows the future.
He has it under control.
And we will be satisfied... so give thanks and worship Him!

Father in heaven,  how wonderful You are!  All power is Yours.  All of our days are written in Your book.  You have promised to be with us always and we put our trust in You.  We choose to worship You and to obey You and to give You thanks... for today and for the unseen tomorrows.   Let Your will be done, Your kingdom come, and Your Name be praised!  Amen!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Psalm 53  "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" 

The fool - nabal-  the stupid, the wicked, the vile person... the one who has fallen away, despised, dishonored, and disgraced... who has come to nought...

Without God comes:

"There is no one who does good."
No one who understands.
No one who seeks God.
No one who has knowledge.

There is no hope...

Great God of heaven and earth, our Father, Who restores us, redeems us, transforms us, and loves us, we worship You.  We desire earnestly that Your Name would be honored, Your rule extended, and Your will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.  We are in desperate need of You in our lives and in our nation.  We see the foolish living out their unbelief... You see their hearts.  Oh Lord, deliver us from this folly!  Bring understanding and wisdom, like a sweet perfume may the aroma of the knowledge of Christ be made manifest in every place as He leads us in triumph!  For it is in His Name we pray, with thanksgiving in our hearts, rejoicing in Your great salvation.  Amen.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Psalm 52

God's definition of an "evil" man:

He boasts in evil - v1
He speaks words that destroy - v2
He loves evil more than good -v3
He loves to lie more than speak the truth -v3
He loves to devour others with his words - v4
He deceives constantly - v4
He trusts in his money -v7
He refuses to "make God his refuge" -v 7

The result?
God will break him down, snatch him up, tear him away from his home, and uproot him from life - v5

But a righteous person will:

stay rooted in God's presence -v8
Trust God's lovingkindness - v8
Give thanks to the Lord constantly - v9
Wait on the Lord - v9

The result?
" And the righteous will see and fear, and will laugh at him"... ( the evil one) v6

We need to keep our eyes on our Lord, Who is King of heaven and of all the earth.  Even when we see the wicked prospering, we need to remember that without God, they will die in their sins and spend eternity in hell.  May it keep us humble and thankful for the love that He has lavished on us.  May we become people of prayer - praying for the lost who are in slavery to their own sin, and who can only find freedom in Christ.

Oh Father, give me Your eyes for just one  minute... Let me see this world through Your eyes.. that I might love You more, trust You more, thank You more, and wait on You always.  Give me the spirit of prayer and supplication.. and intercession for the lost.. even for the "evil" ones.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Psalm 51  The sinner's prayer...

Call - upon the grace and lovingkindness of God. For, it is His great compassion that moves Him to blot out our transgressions, wash us from our iniquities, and cleanse us from our sin.

Confess- acknowledge sin,  name it and take responsibility for it.  Recognize that sin is against God, for it is His Law that has been transgressed.  He has called sin evil.  He has determined what is the just punishment.  He is the Righteous Judge.

Come - to the One who sees our hearts, our innermost being, and allow Him to impart wisdom, purify us thoroughly , restore brokenness,  bring joy, and create a new heart and  a steadfast  and willing spirit within us.

Change - As He works in us, we will be transformed and made His ambassadors, to teach others His ways,  to bring songs of praise to His Name, and to delight Him with the sacrifices that please Him , sacrifices of broken spirits and contrite hearts.

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  May every sinner call upon You.  May the Gospel of Jesus Christ be preached with power that all men will call upon You, upon Your graciousness and your lovingkindness.  O let Your kingdom come, Your rule over all of Your Creation be made know and accepted and received on earth.  May Your will be done.  That men and women and children will confess their sin and come to the One, the only One who can wash us and make us clean.  Transform us Lord, fill us with Your Spirit and power, that we will boldly speak the Word, the only Word that can bring hope and salvation to those who have ears to hear.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, our Savior, amen.