Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Psalm 6

Father,  You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  You are Ruler of all, Immortal, Invisible,                                   the only wise God.  You hear our prayers, you hear our weeping, and our pleas.  You receive our prayers, and You rescue our souls. How wonderful is Your lovingkindness towards us!  Honor and praise to You, O Lord.  Amen.

 Hebrews 2

"For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it." ( v1)

Because Jesus is the "radiance of His glory"; because He is the "exact representation of His nature";  because He made all things and upholds all things; because He is unchanging and unending;  because He sits at the right hand of God, the Father.... we need to pay MUCH closer attention to the WORD - spoken "in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things.."

The Word, previously spoken through prophets and fathers and angels... is "unalterable" - steadfast, firm, and forceful.  ".. every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense."  The Law was given to Moses by God.  It is His standard, revealed to mankind. Reward and punishment is clearly taught.  But, more importantly, the Word, Jesus Himself, is even more unalterable!  He has provided to us "so great a salvation"!  If we neglect this we are under even more condemnation than if we neglect the Law.

Jesus spoke the Word.. the Living Word.
It was confirmed by those who heard .
God bore witness to it by "signs and wonders".
The Holy Spirit gave gifts to also bear witness of the Truth.

God has subjected - put under obedience and subordination - the "world to come" and "all things" to Jesus.  There  is "nothing that is not subject to Him."
Why?  Because Jesus was humbled, becoming lower than the angels and suffered death.  He tasted death for everyone.  And He has been crowned with" glory and honor".   Jesus became "flesh and blood".  He became like us and "is not ashamed to call them ( us!) brethren".   Through death, He rendered "powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil."

" .. He had to be made like His brethren in all things, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people."   So that He can help us... 

This is the Word, the great salvation, the unalterable truth that we must not neglect, but pay much closer attention to... lest we drift away. 

Father, our God and Savior, and Jesus Christ our Lord and Brother,  our Great High Priest,  we give You praise and honor and glory.  We are thankful for such a great salvation, offered to us who are lower than the angels.. unworthy of such a gift.  We are subject to You and we acknowledge that fact willingly and gladly.  Your will be done, in us, and in all of creation.  Amen.

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