Friday, May 6, 2016

Job 18  Bildad's second speech is what we would consider "dark".. it gives a stark picture of "the wicked" and the "place of him who does not know God". ( v21).

v5-6 - "the light of the wicked  goes out"  there is no flame, no fire, no lamp - darkness accompanies death
v 7 - he cannot walk, he has no strength,
v 8-9 - he is "thrown in a net"  seized and the "trap snaps shut on him."
v10 - a noose awaits him
v11  "all around terrors frighten him"
v12 he has no strength
v13 - " His skin is devoured by disease"
v14 - he is marched before the  "king of terrors"
v15 - brimstone covers him
v16 " His roots are dried below and his branch is cut off above" utterly alone...
v17 - every memory of him perishes
v18 " He is driven from the light into darkness and chased from the inhabited world"

Death without God is a horror.  Bildad is right about that.  We don't think about this very often and when we do, we try not to think of what will happen to our beloved ones who are not saved.  It is appalling.  It is... terrifying.

But, Bildad is using this speech to terrify Job, his friend, who is suffering from great loss and agonizing pain.  He has become offended by Job and he lets his anger fly out against him.

Job 19  - Job laments the words of his friends, but his real argument is not with them, but with the Lord.  It is God, Job believes, who has done all this to him.  He doesn't deserve it, and his friends need to pity him, not persecute him.

 In spite of it all, Job once again declares his faith and trust in God, " And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God."

Father in heaven, You are our Redeemer, Who gives us hope.  We praise You for being perfectly just and perfectly merciful.  Thank You for the One Who came to be our great High Priest, Who sympathizes with our weaknesses.  Thank You that because of Jesus we can "draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Father, we pray for those who are lost, those who do not know You.  We know that You do not desire that any should perish, to suffer the terrors that await those who refuse to repent, but You want all men to come to the knowledge of Christ, the Redeemer.  Father, once again we pray for them and plead with You to open their blind eyes and plow up their hardened hearts, that they may come to know the Truth.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen.

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