Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Job 8-10

 Bildad speaks.  This friend is pretty blunt in his opinions.  He begins by calling Job's words "a mighty wind"!   His opinion is that Job's sons were killed because of their own sins and that God was just in doing so.  If only .. Job would seek God, then everything would be hunky-dory !

Bildad's advice is for Job to look back, to have a history lesson, to learn from "their fathers".  He believes that " Lo, God will not reject a man of integrity, nor will He support the evildoers."   Everything is going to be alright in the end...

We have heard these kinds of words from our friends too, haven't we?  Everything is going to be alright... Just trust God.  Not that those words are wrong.. but they don't help in the present pain.

Job answers in 9:2 " In truth, I know that this is so, but how can a man be in the right before God?" 
Job feels hopeless for he knows that he cannot confront God, even though he believes he does not deserve punishment for he is innocent of of any sin.

Chapters 9-10 show that Job has a good understanding of who God is and what He has done:

God removes mountains.
He shakes the earth out of its place.
He commands the sun and stars.
He stretches out the heavens.
He controls the waves of the oceans.
He created the constellations.
He "does great things, unfathomable, and wondrous works without number." v10

But, Job has misconceptions about God also...
He thinks that God will not listen to his pleas or show mercy to him. (v14-16)
He thinks that no matter how "guiltless" he is, that God will declare him guilty. ( 9:20)
He thinks that  God is ready to "plunge me into the pit" ( 9:31)

Yet, once again, Job turns his words to his Lord.  " I will say to God, Do not condemn me; let me know why Thou dost contend with me."   Job acknowledges that God sees everything, that God made him, and that God has given him "life and lovingkindness; and Thy care has preserved my spirit" (10:12)

But, his despair overwhelms him once again.. and Job sinks back into his depression again.

Just a note here that sticks out to me:
9:33 Job complained,  " There is no umpire between us, Who may lay his hand upon us both"  
But, hallelujah , we do have a mediator!  Christ Jesus!

Father, there are times when we feel separated from You.  We cannot feel You or see You.  We cannot hear Your voice.  Job reminds us that, although sometimes this is because of our own sinfulness, at other times, it is because You have allowed us to walk through the valley of the shadow.  O Lord, our Mighty and Faithful God, help us to hold on to You and never forget Who You are.  Like Job, may we remember the Truth.  Help us not fall so far into despair that we forget Your mercy and Your justice.
Teach us Your ways, Lord, and guide us into solid faith and rest in Jesus, our Mediator.  In His Name, we pray. amen.

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