Monday, May 23, 2016


Paul writes this personal letter for the sake of his friend Onesimus, a run away slave who belonged to Philemon.  Onesimus has become a believer and needs to return to Philemon and make things right.  Paul takes the role of mediator, hoping for reconciliation and perhaps even more... freedom for Onesimus.

I have no verses underlined here.. unusual for me.  Yet there are lessons to learn in this short letter.
For one,  we can be reminded that God works in unusual ways.  Paul is in prison in Rome when he meets this runaway slave that belongs to his friend, Philemon.  Paul equally loves Philemon, a wealthy man, and Onesimus, a slave.  God has called each of them to salvation and service in Christ Jesus.

I can be encouraged by this.. that no matter what my status in this world might really doesn't matter to my Lord.  His grace is available to the lowest and the highest.  The Lord even used Onesimus' disobedience and rebellion to bring him to salvation!  What grace!

I am also reminded here that love takes sacrifice.  Philemon had every right to punish Onesimus or to keep him as a slave. Yet, it appears he consented to do good.. to release his rights over Onesimus as Paul has requested. Whether he ever charged anything to Paul's account, who knows?  I would hope not.

Paul must have prayed a lot about this situation, for both Philemon and for Onesimus, both his friends and fellow believers in Christ.

Father, we are all like Onesimus, for we have gone our own way, rebelling against You, our Maker.  We are all like sheep who have gone astray.  Thank You for sending a mediator, the Lord Jesus, Who took upon Himself all the punishment that was rightfully due us.  Thank Your for reconciling with us and restoring us to Yourself.  Lord, set us apart for Yourself.  Help us also to do what is good. To sacrifice .. to love.. to give.. to pray.  To be mediators whenever we can, helping others to be reconciled with each other and especially with You.  Father,  You are the God Who forgives, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Worthy of all praise and honor and blessing! I praise You Lord, God in heaven above and on earth below, for there is no other.  Amen.

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