Monday, May 9, 2016

Job 20  Zophar's second speech gives a clear picture of what happens to "the wicked" man.

His triumphs are short and his joy is momentary (v5)
No matter how lofty he thinks he is... he "perishes forever like his refuse." ( v6-7)
He will be forgotten like a dream ( v8)
All he worked for will disappear ( v10)
His once vigorous body will become dust ( v11)

He loves evil, he desires it, he hoards it.. like a sweet in his mouth, but once he swallows it is changed to cobra's venom.
"He swallows riches, but will vomit them up" ( v15)
He would rather have venom than "honey and curds" ( v17)
Whatever he has attained... he will not ever enjoy ( v18)
He will have no quiet within himself ( v20)

"In the fulness of his plenty he will be cramped"v22
Everyone he has hurt will be against him and God will also pour out His anger on him. (v22-23)
He will run from an iron weapon but be struck by a bronze one. (v24)
Terror and darkness and fire will consume him. (v25-26)
"This is the wicked man's portion from God, even the heritage decreed to him by God."  v29

Indeed, this is a stark picture for the wicked... but not for Job.

Chapter 21

Job's response to this is a teaching moment... for sometimes things happen a bit differently than Zophar thinks.  Sometimes the wicked prosper.  Sometimes their sons do too!  Sometimes they live a wonderful and full life and even when they die they refuse God.  We don't know all that God does.  We can't fit all our philosophies into a neat and tidy picture like Job's friends have tried to do.

And besides all of that.. their opinions have not brought any comfort or help to Job at all.

Father in heaven, we praise You for being gracious and kind, faithful and true.  We thank You that You are our refuge and strength.  We acknowledge that You are sovereign and we are Your servants.  Sometimes things happen to us that we don't like..just like Job.  But help us to know the truth and to keep walking in faith.  Help us to stay diligent and to trust You no matter what.  Help us not to speak out of our own flawed thinking, but to wait on You and to speak the truth in love, always.
Yet, Lord, help us to pray for those who are not walking with You.  Help us to speak boldly the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Give them ears to hear and hearts to obey, for we ask it in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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