Monday, May 16, 2016

Job 38   This is my favorite part of the book of Job.  God, Himself, speaks to Job and with this we get a revelation of His power and majesty and greatness... along with an understanding of His intimate dealings with all of creation.

v4 "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell Me if you have understanding, who set its measurements, since you know?  Or who stretched the line on it?  On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone?... "  

The Creator sets Job straight.  What He did in creating the world was far beyond what Job could have ever thought of, let alone do.

 It was God who:

Set the earth in His universe.
Enclosed the seas and set their boundaries.
Commands the morning to begin.
Knows the depths of the oceans and the height of the heavens.
Controls the snow and the hail, the floods and the lightning.
Set the constellations in their places.

And it is God alone who decided to give mankind wisdom and understanding.
All of creation is absolutely dependent on its Creator.  It is only man who has challenged this Truth.

Father in heaven,  You are not only our Creator but also our Great Shepherd.  You have given to us wisdom and understanding that we might begin to know You.  We bow before You and acknowledge once again that You alone are the Lord of heaven and earth and there is no other. Praise and honor and thanksgiving is for You alone!  Open our eyes to see You even as Job did.. to know You more, that we might worship and serve You and love You with all of our heart and soul and strength.  amen.

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