Monday, May 2, 2016

Job 6-7  Job addresses his friends and then the Lord.

6:1-7:11  Job tells his friends that they don't understand just how much he is suffering.  He denies that he has sinned  against the Lord as they have accused him.  And, then he tells them that they should be consoling him and comforting him, not accusing him.  They are like a brook that has dried up and when travelers have come expecting to find water, they find none.  He is disappointed that they have not helped him as they should have.  He would just as soon they leave him alone.

Job's misery is spelled out in these verses.  He is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in anguish.   His friends cannot help and it seems that even God refuses to help him.  He wants to die, but even that is refused him.

7:12-21  Job turns to the Lord and begins to "speak in the anguish of (his) spirit".
He feels like he is like a "sea monster" and that the Lord has set "a guard" over him.
When he tries to find comfort in sleep, it seems the Lord just sends him nightmares.
He feels like he is physically wasting away.. and if the Lord would just allow it, he would die.
He feels like the Lord is examining him and trying him. That He is staring at him.
He desires to know what sin he has committed so that he can repent and find forgiveness.

"For now I will lie down in the dust; And Thou wilt seek me, but I will not be."

What utter despair Job is feeling.  I don't think I have ever felt this low, although I have known times of anguish too.  We all have to some degree.  We often speak of the patience of Job, but here in this passage, we see the all too real impatience of a real person who is suffering from deep depression and agony .

Father in Heaven,  thank You for the Truth, that Job was never alone through these times of anguish.  You were there, not to harm him, but to help him.  You are faithful to listen and patiently guide us through trials, big or small.  May we truly learn to trust Your heart even when we cannot see You fully.  You are the Lord, and there is no other!  Blessed be Your Name.  Amen.

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