Thursday, May 12, 2016

Job 32-37  Job's three friends, Elihu, Bildad, and Zophar finally run out of arguments and quit talking.
Elihu, a younger man, who has sat by and listened carefully to both Job and the three, decides he has to speak up.  In fact, he feels like he will burst if he doesn't give his opinion.

Chapter 33 - Elihu's first point is that Job has falsely accused God.  No one, not even Job can know what God has planned or why He has acted.  God does not have to give account for what He does.  Not even to Job.  ( v12-13)
 His second point in this chapter is that God does speak, but no one listens.  God chastens man, but we don't learn.  God enlightens, God redeems, but we need to pay attention.

Chapter 34  Elihu's next point is that God will not do wrong, He is never wicked or unjust.  Therefore, Job is wrong in his words that challenge God's authority to judge him.  This is Job's sin.
God doesn't show partiality.  God doesn't need to receive authority to do whatever He desires.   God does judge the wicked and it is His right to do so.

Chapter 35 Elihu rebukes Job for speaking of his own righteousness.  Job does not and can not know better than God.  His claims of righteousness doesn't change who God is.  In fact, if he is a sinner, that doesn't affect who God is either.  God doesn't have to listen to Job's cries and He doesn't have to answer.  God will speak when He is ready to speak and all Job can do - is wait.

Chapter 36-37  Here, Elihu joins into the accusations of the first 3 speakers,  indicating that God would not have afflicted Job if he had been truly righteous.  He then goes on to speak of the greatness of God....
God is mighty and righteous.  God is  just and powerful.  God is exalted and unsearchable.
Just look up to the clouds... we can't understand even this... how do the clouds form?  What about lightning and thunder? Ice and snow... wind and sunlight?  "The Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is exalted in power; and He will not do violence to justice and  abundant righteousness."

With this Elihu finishes his speech.  This seems a fitting prelude to the rest of the book of Job, for the final speaker will be God, Himself...

Father,  I love this part of Your Word!  I love the description of Your Majesty and Power and Greatness.  Open our hearts and pour down Your Truth!  Fill us to the full with Your Spirit.  Draw us nearer to Your Presence and expand our understanding of Who You are.  In the Name of Jesus, our Great High Priest and Mediator, we come. Amen.

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