Thursday, May 5, 2016

Job 15 starts the second round of speeches against Job.  Eliphaz again accuses Job of speaking arrogantly and with "windy knowledge" .  He then gives a long tirade about what happens to the wicked:
They writhe in pain.
Their days are numbered.
They hear terror.
They will be attacked by the "destroyer"/
They have no hope.
They find no food.
They anticipate death.
They are distressed and terrified.
They dare to defy God.
And on and on...

There is no thought of comfort or encouragement for poor Job.  Eliphaz has judged Job guilty and condemned him to darkness.

Job 16-17

" Sorry comforter are you all.."  Job replies to his friends.  If the situation were reversed, Job tells them, "I could strengthen you with my mouth, and the solace of my lips could lessen your pain."

Again, Job turns to the Lord.  " Thou hast laid waste all my company. and Thou hast shriveled me up."  All that Job has experienced, he says, has come form the Lord's hands.  "I was at ease, but He shattered me."  Yet , Job still maintains that he is innocent. "... and my prayer is pure".   He wants to understand the reason behind his suffering, but more than that, he just wants to find hope again.
"Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high."

Thankfully, we also have found an advocate on high. One who is faithful and true.  He is our hope and our salvation!  Job is moving out of the darkness, slowly.  He is keeping his trust in the Lord.
We must also hold on to our Living Hope.

Father in Heaven, we praise You, for You are a loving God.  Your very nature is love.  You have manifested Your love in us, having sent Your Son into the world so that we might live through Him.
We abide in Your love, knowing and believing the love You have for us. You will perfect Your love in us and give us confidence for the day of judgement, without fear. For perfect love throws fear out!
Praise You, Almighty and everlasting Father.  Praise to Jesus, the Precious Lamb of God and our Mighty Lord.  Praise to the Holy Spirit, Who has come to offer us comfort, to be our Counselor, and to lead us in the Way, Truth , and Life of the Lord. amen

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