Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Job 22  Eliphaz speaks up once more and this time really rips into Job, accusing him of being selfish, unkind, and oppressive.   He once again insists that Job needs to repent and find forgiveness.

 Chapter 23 - Job's answer shows his weariness with arguing with them.  He just wants to find how to speak to the Lord and get an answer.  I have felt this way, haven't you?  "Oh that I knew where I might find Him, That I might come to His seat! ... I would learn the words which He would answer..."   

If I could just pray the right words, perhaps that would move His Hands to.. heal, save, rescue, restore, fix... my problems..   But, like Job, we go through times that we can't seem to find Him and He doesn't seem to listen.   And, like Job we need to remember, " But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold..." 

Ch. 24-  Job is disheartened.  He is beginning to feel like the Lord will just do whatever He wants and it doesn't matter if you are wicked or good.  The wicked seem to get away with pushing the needy around.  It doesn't seem fair.

Ch 25  Bildad seems to agree somewhat with Job here.  Man is not worthy of God.. they are like maggots and worms...Not only does God do whatever He wants, but man deserves it!

We know that God can do whatever He wants and that we don't deserve anything good from Him,  but that is exactly what the good news is.. GRACE and MERCY without measure!  He does hear us! He even hears us when we don't have the right words or when we can't seem to find Him.  He chooses to love us and be patient with us, to help us and to save us.  He chooses to be just.  He chooses - us.

Father in Heaven, we praise You for You are good and kind and perfect in all Your ways.  Thank You for saving us and for forgiving us. Thank You for giving us worth.. seeing us as Your children instead of as worms... O, Mighty God, Your Grace is sufficient for all of us who will keep looking to You and believing that You know the way we take and that You may try us, but it is so that we will come forth like gold.. to the glory of Your Name.  Amen.

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