Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Job 26-31

Job rebukes his friends once again.  They have not helped him one bit with all their philosophies and accusations.  They are not speaking God's words, he tells them, they don't seem to know Him...

God sees the living and the dead.
God "hangs the earth on nothing".
God controls the skies and the seas.
God is high and above everything.

In chapter 27  Job once again declares that he not brought on this suffering by sinning.  "I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go."   The godless would not act like Job.  For they would not cry out to God like he has.  The wicked are definitely going to be judged, like they all have stated.  But, Job insists that this does not apply to him.

In chapter 28 Job compares the search for wisdom to the search for precious metals and gems in the darkest mines.  Wisdom and understanding can not be discovered or acquired by man's efforts.  Only God knows where it is and how to find it.  "Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Chapter 29 - Job talks about himself, before Satan was allowed to touch him.  He was well respected and honored.  He was a righteous man who gave to those in need, counseled those who were troubled, and led those who were rulers and princes.  He knew God's blessing on every part of his life.

Chapter 30 - But now, all that Job had is gone, including God's presence, it seems to him.  The lowest of the low now mock him and spit on him.   "When I expected good, then evil came; when I waited for light, then darkness came. "

Chapter 31 -Job makes a final appeal to God and to his friends.   Where is the evidence of his sin?  If he did evil, then he would take the appropriate judgement.   " If I... "  lied, disobeyed, cheated, despised, abused, failed to help the needy, relied on riches, gloated, or worshiped the sun..." Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, ..."   then God  should punish him.  But, Job asserts, "No, I have not allowed my mouth to sin.."

Job, the example of patience... continues to cry out for the Lord to answer him.  To explain why he is suffering .  To just speak to him once again.

Father,  we acknowledge that You are the Just and Righteous Judge.  You alone can save us and we are so thankful that You always hear our cries.  Job's troubled heart breaks our hearts.  We need You every hour, Lord!  Do not hide Yourself from us.  Come and pour out Your Spirit upon us and draw us into Your rest.  So thankful that we can know the end of Job's story and know that he will come through this trial with a deeper love and knowledge of You than he could ever have had before.  Grant us patience during our times of trial, help us to keep our eyes on You always, I pray in Jesus' name, amen

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