Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The heart - lessons from Psalms 1-50

Meditate in your heart, on the Lord (4:4)
Let those meditations be acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. (19:14)
When the meditations of our hearts are for understanding, then our mouths will speak wisdom. (49:3)

Those upright in heart:
are glad (4:7)
are examined by the righteous Judge (7:9)
 and are saved ( 7:10)
are heard (10:17)
rejoice (13:5)
can dwell with God (15:2)
delight in God's Word ( 19:8)
are granted their heart's desires ( 20:4)
seek for the Lord to examine us, try us, test us and judge our integrity and righteousness and our need for redemption. (26:2)
does not fear the enemy or its armies ( 27:3)
seeks God's Face (27:8)
takes courage and waits for the Lord (27:14)
trusts in the Lord and is helped (28:7)
is strong and courageous (31:24)
shout for joy and are glad in the Lord ( 32:11)
know the nearness of God when they are brokenhearted ( 34:18)
find His lovingkindness and righteousness ( 36:11)
delight in Him and receive the desires of their heart (37:4)
have the Word of God written on their heart (37:31)
get angry at their own sinfulness and that of others (39:3)
delight  to do the will of God (40:8)
does not hide his righteousness in his heart but proclaims it everywhere (40:10)
is overwhelmed when convicted of sin in his heart (40:12)
knows that God knows the secrets of his heart (44:21)
overflows with good (45:1)
gains understanding by meditating on the Lord and His Word and can then speak wisdom. (49:3)

But the wicked:
shoot arrows at the righteous ( 11:2)
speak lies and use flattery (12:2)
draw their swords against the righteous, but end up putting it through their own hearts (35:17)
gather wickedness in their hearts, then go out and speak evil, tell lies, and devise ways to hurt others (41:6)
Will be struck by the Lord's arrows (45:5)
"Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes. For it flatters him in his own eyes, concerning the discovery of his iniquity and the hatred of it. The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; he has ceased to be wise and to do good.  He plans wickedness upon his bed; he sets himself on a path that is not good; he does not despise evil." (36:1-4)

The difference is made by the meditations of our heart.   If we seek the Lord and live according to His will and word we will be upright.  If we harden our hearts and refuse to listen and obey, we will hear only the voice of wickedness that leads to death.  ".. The doers of iniquity have fallen; they have been thrust down and cannot rise." ( 36:12)

Father, You are merciful and gracious to us.  You love us and desire our hearts to be set on You and to seek Your face.  This is what I long to do.  Keep me on Your path.  Keep Your Word in my heart and on my mind.  Fill me with Your Spirit who will teach me Your ways and guide me into all righteousness. May the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.  For the glory of Jesus Christ I ask these things. Amen

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