Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lessons on the heart - Psalms 51-100

It is God, the Creator, that forms a clean heart in us. ( 51:10)
He delights in a broken ( burst) and contrite ( collapsed) heart - rather than a burnt offering. (51:17)

A fool's heart denies God's existence .(53:1)
The wicked work unrighteousness in their hearts ( 58:2)
Their inward thoughts and heart are deep - but God WILL shoot an arrow at them and wound them!(64:6) The imaginations of their hearts "run riot" ( 73:7)
The people of Israel struggled with erring hearts ( 95:10); Their hearts vacilated, reeled, wandered astray.
 They did not prepare( put right) their hearts (78:8) and they were not faithful in spirit.
Their hearts were not steadfast toward God ( 78:37)
They hardened their hearts testing and trying God (95:8)

But a steadfast heart is fixed and prepared and ready (57:7)
"Pour out your heart before Him." ( 62:8) - wait for Him; Trust Him; find hope in Him!
For He is our Rock and Salvation; our Stronghold; Our glory; our Rest; and our Refuge.
When God deals with the wicked man's heart, all the righteous are made glad and will glory - celebrate! (64:7)

If I regard ( see, consider, enjoy, perceive) wickedness in my heart - the Lord will not hear my prayers. (66:18)
If we seek God.. He will revive our hearts! (69:32)
God is good to the pure in heart (73:1,13)
He is the strength of our heart (73:26)
He gives us gladness and blessing when we delight in Him and have His ways in our hearts.

God gives us every opportunity to turn our hearts towards Him.  In the midst of disappointments and troubles we must determine to seek Him. " I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart; and my spirit ponders. .. I will meditate on all Your work, and muse on Your deeds. Thy way is holy; What god is great like our God?" ( 77:6, 11). 

Father in Heaven,  may my heart be steadfast, not vacillating and wandering away from You.  Make my heart pure and clean.  Shoot an arrow through my heart if needed, so that I might not regard any wickedness in it, but seek You and receive life from You. There is none like You, O Lord. I will seek You.  I will remember You!  I will rejoice and be glad in You!  For You are my strength, my salvation, my Rock, and My God.  Thank You for loving me!  Amen.

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