Monday, March 7, 2016

In Ezra and Nehemiah we see that God put His will into the hearts of Assyrian kings, Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes - to send the Jews back to Jerusalem and to rebuild and restore the Temple.

Ezra "set his heart" to study the Law, practice it, and teach it.
Nehemiah felt that God put it in his heart to enroll all the people by genealogies.

In Esther we encounter the evil heart of Haman.

In Job we learn that God's heart is set on man!  That He is concerned about us. (7:17)
Job believes that God is wise in heart and mighty in strength, and that He conceals some things in His Heart . ( 9:4 and 10:13)
Zophar tells Job to direct his heart right - to repent.

Job speaks of God's power in 12:13 -25.  Verse 24 "He deprives of intelligence ( heart) the chiefs of the earth's people, and makes them wander in a pathless waste."  ( Isn't that the truth!)
Job also believes that God keeps some hearts from understanding. (17:4)

Eliphaz exhorts Job to receive God's instructions and establish His Word in his heart. (22:22)

Job feels that God has made his heart faint, but that he feels no reproach in his own heart.  He proclaims his own righteousness:
He helped the poor and caused the widow's heart to sing.
He did not allow his heart to "follow his eyes" or to be enticed by another woman,

Elihu speaks from the uprightness in his own heart.  He seems to have a better handle on who God is than the others.  Listen to this statement, " If He should determine to do so, If He should gather to Himself His spirit and His breath, All flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust."
Elihu's says his heart trembles at the sound of God's voice.

God tells Job that it is He who has "put wisdom in the innermost being" and has "given understanding to the mind" (heart). 

I guess the thing that stands out most to me in these passages is how God puts things in our hearts - He put His will in the heart of the kings.
He puts wisdom and understanding in men's hearts.
He deprives some hearts of intelligence and understanding.
Yet, He gives us freedom to set our own hearts - towards Him or away from Him.
Either way, His heart is set on us.  He cares about us and desires our hearts to be right - to be repentant, to be upright and to tremble at His greatness!
God could take away life from any or all of us at any time, but it is His heart of love for us that keeps us alive.

Almighty Father, thank You for loving us so! Direct our hearts continually to Yourself.  Put wisdom and understanding in our hearts that we might know Your Word and do it!  I set my heart to seek You always, to walk in Your ways, and to love You.  You are my only God and Savior.  I give all my praise and honor and worship to You, O God.  It is in the Name of Jesus, that I come, Amen.

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