Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ezekiel 20-44

Even as the Lord called to His people to repent, to turn away and to give Him their hearts.. they rejected Him.  Ezekiel told them what was going to happen in Jerusalem and that their hearts would melt. But even as they came to hear him speak, they heard the words, "but they do not do them, for the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain. And behold you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not practice them. " ( 33: 31-32

The destruction of Jerusalem came as Ezekiel had told them. Their hearts did melt. The Lord took His sword out of its sheath and brought His judgement upon Israel. Their idolatry and wickedness had reached the brim. When they gave over the most holy service in His temple to those "uncircumcised in heart and flesh"... when they welcomed foreigners and the unrighteous into the very sanctuary of His temple... this abomination was perhaps the last straw.  God allowed the enemies to come in and to  strike it down.

But, Ezekiel also proclaimed God's judgement against those who "scorned" Israel and those who rejoiced in their hearts at its destruction.  Ammon, Philistia, Tyre, and Assyria, would all feel God's wrath and vengeance.  Their own pride and boastfulness, their own wickedness would bring them down.   Tyre was especially prideful.  They "made (their) heart like the heart of God".  They proclaimed themselves to be god.  They exalted themselves for their wisdom, their beauty, and their riches.  The Lord said that because of this they would be "no more".   Assyria proclaimed themselves to be above everything, even the clouds... above even God.  The Lord said He would cut them down.
Every nation that appropriated God land for themselves.. only aroused His jealousy and wrath.

God was not done with Israel.  He would bring them back, He promised.  He would give them a new heart and a new spirit.  He told Ezekiel to see with his eyes and hear with his ears and to "give attention" - to set his heart upon - all that He would reveal.  Then He gave him a vision - of Jerusalem and of a new temple;  of His glory coming once again; and of a city whose name would be called,
" The Lord is there. " 

Lessons for the heart:

1. When we hear or read God's Word - do we put it into practice?  Are our hearts just interested in our own gain?  Is it just beautiful music to us?  Do we listen so as to - set our hearts - on what He says, and to actually DO it?  That is His desire for us!

2. Do we also ( perhaps in political correctness)  allow and even welcome the "uncircumcised of heart" into the holy places?  Do we make any distinction between the authentic followers of Christ and those who are play-acting?  We know this is true across our own nation and throughout the earth.
Oh, how we need His wisdom!

3. God's wrath will again be poured out on those who think they are higher, wiser, richer, or more beautiful them Him!  Pride and haughtiness will bring about destruction.. whether it is a nation or an individual.. or any part of His creation.  It is Satan's own heart and God will not allow it, ever!

4.  God's heart is revealed in Ezekiel's vision.  For His plan and purposes will be fulfilled.  A people with new hearts and spirits, will one day see the new Jerusalem where the Lord will dwell in the midst of them. In our midst.. if we are believers and followers of Christ, if we love and serve Him with all of our heart!

Father, You see our hearts.  You know what dwells in its depths.  Is there hardness there?  Is there pride or lust?  Cleanse us and fill our hearts with Yourself!  O God of heaven and earth, the One True God, the Lord is Your Name.  Come and move in us, to not be hearers only, but to be doers of Your Word, according to Your good and perfect will.  In Jesus Christ, our wonderful Redeemer and Savior we pray. Amen.

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