Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Daniel - Malachi

Through the rest of the prophets the message remains the same - the Lord requires His people to give Him their whole heart.  But their hearts are hardened.   The greatest ailments of the heart are pride and harlotry.  The heart becomes faithless ( Hosea 10:2) and senseless ( 7:11), and  without understanding. ( 4:11)

We must humble ourselves before Him!

Nebuchadnezzar is one example of what God thinks of an arrogant heart.  The Lord changes his heart from the heart of a man to the heart of a beast! ( Daniel 2:30)  A proud or lifted up heart, will not prevail.  (Daniel 11:30)  NO matter how great a man thinks he is... God will cut him down.( Obadiah 1:3)

  Yet, people still  refuse to humble themselves.  They direct their hearts towards evil. ( Hosea 4:8)  They lie, they scheme, and they boast.   God says their hearts are like an oven:  their anger smolders all night and turns into a raging fire by morning.( Hosea 7:6-7)  They don't even consider the fact that God sees them.  They proclaim that He won't do anything to them - good or evil. ( Zephaniah 1:12)

And, it breaks His heart.  He doesn't want to give them up, but He will bring judgement.  Either we rend our own hearts and return to Him with all our heart ( Joel 2:2)  or He will tear open our chests Himself ( Hosea 13:8)

But if we will turn. If we take it to heart and be restored to Him.... He will take away the judgements against us; clear away our enemy; dwell in our midst; exult over us with joy; quietly cover us with His love; and rejoice over us with shouts of joy! ( Zephaniah 3:14)

What a message for our day... for this very hour!  So many people with evil hearts!  So many proud and arrogant men.. seeking only their own gain!  So many that tell themselves that God isn't real, that He doesn't see them,  that He must not care...  So many deceived in their hearts.

Father in Heaven,  You are the Almighty God who created all of heaven and all of the earth.. We are Your workmanship.  You are Lord of all.  How we need You!  Forgive us Lord, for failing to give You the honor due Your Name. Restore us O Lord.  Restore our nation, come and bring revival, a turning of hearts back to You.  Let Your Word spread rapidly and be glorified!  Deliver us from perverse and evil men.  For You are faithful and You will strengthen us and protect us from the evil one.  Direct our hearts into the Love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ, we pray.  amen  ( II Thess. 3:1-5)

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