Thursday, March 3, 2016

II Kings - lessons regarding our hearts:

Elisha watched his servant Gehazi - his heart went with him- sadly knowing that he was yielding to the greed in his heart.

Jehu and Jehonadab - agreed on what was right - their hearts were united to do what God had said.
The Lord commended Jehu for doing right, what was according to His Heart,  but Jehu was not careful to keep his heart right. 

Hezekiah prayed and was heard because his heart was whole - complete, perfect, peaceable, made ready- before the Lord as he walked in Truth.

But, Josiah, whose heart was tender, humbled himself before the Lord, committed himself to walk after the Lord and to keep the covenant with the Lord.  "And before him there was no king who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses; nor did any arise after him."  ( 23:25)

Josiah seems to reach and even surpass the standard set by David, a man who had a heart after God.

Will we let our hearts be tender like Josiah?  Or will we harden our hearts like Pharaoh and many others?  Do we have whole hearts?  Or have we allowed the evil to creep back in?  The lesson I hear from this book, from the Shepherd, is this - Be careful with your heart!   Careful to walk with the Lord and keep your heart united with His heart.. whole and complete and ready, to do what is right in His eyes.... which He makes us to know in His Word -His commands, statutes and testimonies.

Father in heaven,  Lord of heaven above and on the earth below, there is none like You.  Let my heart be joined with You and with others who also seek Your heart.  Keep us from despair, from temptations, and from all evil.  Help us to be careful to keep our hearts right, always inclined towards You. We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.

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