Friday, March 18, 2016

Jeremiah 19-52

The hearts of the rebellious are intent on their own dishonest gain; on shedding innocent blood; on oppression and extortion... instead of on justice and righteousness, pleading the cause of the afflicted and needy, which is the heart that knows the Lord.

God proclaims that His wrath will not turn back until "He has accomplished the intent of His heart". (30:24)  He also says that we will understand this clearly in the last days. ( 23:10 and 30:24)

But, He also proclaims wonderful promises that give hope!

24:7  "And I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord, and they will be my people, and I will be their God for they will return to Me with their whole heart."

29:13 " And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

32:39 God will give His people one heart and one way, that they would fear Him always for their good and for the good of their children.  v41 "I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me."   

The Lord will send forth a leader, a ruler who will approach Him... " Who would dare to risk his life to approach Me?"  Who would give His heart in pledge?  Jesus, only Jesus!  Don't let your heart grow faint, the Lord speaks to us through His prophet... Remember!  Remember the Truth.  Remember the promises.  Remember Him!

Father, Your purposes and plans are being carried out, even now in this world.  Your wrath has not fully come upon the sinful, evil hearts, but that time is coming. Oh, Lord, give us a heart to know You!  Put the fear of You in our hearts so that we will never turn away from You.  You have given me a glimpse of Your heart in these Words - Your heart breaks for those who refuse Your salvation.  Your love is so great.  Break our hearts Lord for those who You weep over.  Give us new passion to share the Word of Life and let them have ears to hear and hearts to receive the Truth.

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