Monday, March 14, 2016

More proverbs ( 19-31)  Lessons of the heart

We can make plans in our hearts, but they won't change the Lord's counsel.
We can't cleanse our own hearts.
The Lord can steer the heart of a king... or anyone else!
The Lord weighs our hearts.
Discipline removes foolishness from the heart.  Discipline - chastisement, reproof, instruction, correction, restraint... Apply your heart to it - Listen to the words of the wise.  Apply your mind to knowledge.  Don't trust in your own heart, but trust in the Lord and walk in His wisdom.


As we think in our hearts - so we are. ( 23:7) Doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, what we say, or what others think about us.
The Lord knows the "real" us.  He measures each heart and "renders" accordingly (24:13).
As a reflection in water reveals the face that looks into it, so our hearts reflect who we really are. (27:19)

We spend a lot of time and money trying to clean up our outsides.... trying to fit in, trying to look good.  Trying to please others.  But, the Lord knows the truth about us and He isn't concerned with our how we look.. His desire is for us to have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, to walk in His ways and to make His heart glad!

Father,  lead me into Your great love, into Your heart.  Give me the steadfastness of Jesus, to love and to serve You with all my heart and soul always.  I choose to listen,  my ears are open.  My heart is inclined towards You. Help me to apply Your Word to my life today and forever. Amen.

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