Wednesday, March 16, 2016

In the book of Isaiah the people's hearts are insensitive.  They don't listen, they don't care, and they don't understand.
All the nations, are arrogant and prideful. They make plans with the purpose to destroy each other.
Their arrogant hearts claim to exceed even God.
Even God's own people rebel against Him.  They speak the right words, and do the traditional religious activities, but their hearts are far from Him.  They are like the fool, speaking nonsense and inclined toward wickedness.  They don't take to heart, pay attention to God's Word or His warnings.

God calls to His people to consider and remember, to care - to set upon their hearts the Truth, for they have been deceived.  He will dwell with those who will humble themselves.. those with contrite hearts and lowly spirits.  They must not continue to turn away from His ways, but to confess their sins and to know His Law, His righteousness.

There is a day that is coming, the Lord says,  a day when He will pour out vengeance on the wicked and bring gladness to those who love Him and serve Him.

In this day, a day where we observe so many turning away from God, we need to heed His Word all the more!  Recently I have heard speakers talking about mission work in other countries... non -Christian nations.. where evil is so rampant; where children are thrown out as babies or infants, where they are abused and sold, where life is hopeless.  Without God, our nation is heading in the same sorrid ways.  We must turn back to the Truth!  Oh God, help us!

"Oh that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at Thy presence... To make Thy name known to Thy adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy presence. "  ( Isaiah 64:1-2)   Father in heaven, Holy One, change the hearts of men and women and children, so that we can hear, so we can see, and so we can understand in our hearts and be saved.

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