Monday, March 21, 2016

The Lord calls His people to "Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord."
Rebellious hearts will lead to troubled spirits, to grief and emptiness.  God's own heart breaks at the sight of His beloved people who have lost their joy and are faint because of their sinfulness.

Ezekiel ( 1-20)

The Lord calls Ezekiel to "take into his heart"  all the Words He will speak.

The people are in captivity because of their adulterous hearts.  They set up idols in their hearts.  They turned away from the Lord and His commandments.  Their hearts continually went after idols and abominations.  Their hearts were "languishing" - weary, failing, losing health and vitality.

The Lord wants to "lay hold of their hearts".   He wants to restore them and give them a new heart - "one heart" and a new spirit.  He wants to take their "heart of stone" and give them a "heart of flesh."
They had to repent and turn away from their idols.  They needed to "cast away" their sins and transgressions.  To repent and live they needed a "new heart and a new spirit" .

What is in my heart today, O Lord?  Are their any idols?  I cast them down!  "Every high thing must come down!"  You, Jesus, Have overcome!  You do wear the victor's crown!  Hallelujah!   Father, do not allow any hardness to enter in to my heart.  I lift my heart up to You.  Precious Savior and Lover of my soul,  You alone give life to me.  I choose willingly to take all Your words into my heart.  Change me as You will, I ask in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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