Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lessons regarding the heart from I Kings.

God's promises are for those who are careful of their way - to walk before God in truth with ALL their heart and soul.  ( 2:4)

David had this kind of heart for he walked in truth, righteousness and uprightness of heart towards God. (3:6)

Solomon asked God for a heart of understanding, to judge the people, to discern good from evil. (3:9)
God gave Solomon a wise and discerning heart, a heart of wisdom, very great discernment, and breadth of mind.  (3:12, 4:29) The whole world sought to hear the wisdom that God put in Solomon's heart. (10:24)

We know the afflictions of our own hearts and we can pray to God and find forgiveness, knowing that God knows each heart. ( 8:38-39)
Repentance + prayer = return to God with all your heart and soul = restoration.

We let our hearts be wholly devoted to the Lord our God by walking in His statutes and keeping His commandments. ( 8:61)

God requires a heart of integrity and uprightness, like David's. (9:4)
Solomon's wives turned his heart away by their idols, so that his heart was no longer wholly devoted to the Lord. ( 11:2,3)
This made the Lord angry. (11:9)

Jeraboam reasoned in his heart - not wanting the people to turn their hearts back  to David's kingdom - he built idols in Bethel. He devised in his own heart a religion to worship these false gods. (12:26.27, 33)  He was condemned because of this.  His heart did not measure up to the standard -David's heart -devoted to keeping the commandments and doing what was right in God's sight.  (14:8)

Abidjan's heart was not wholly devoted to God.
Asa's heart was wholly devoted to the Lord. (15:14)
Elijah prayed that the Lord would turn the people's  hearts back again. (18:37)

The heart that God desires for each of us is like David's, one that seeks His heart, that will walk in His ways, with complete devotion.  It will be a heart of truth and righteousness, with integrity and uprightness. It will be discerning and wise.  It will be repentant and will not be turned away by anything else. 

Lord our God, King of Glory and Creator of heaven and earth,  put into us this kind of heart!  Let our hearts be wholly devoted to You that we might walk in Your ways.  By the power and grace of Jesus we ask this, amen.

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