Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Timothy 1

v 5 " But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."   

Paul's teaching has a specific purpose.  The "certain men" in Ephesus were trying to use the wrong ways to get to the "end" point.   You can't get there withs myths, genealogies, or speculations, Paul warns.  These things won't build the church, and won't please God.  In fact, they would cause people to stray from Him.

They were trying to use the Law, but didn't even understand it themselves.  Paul writes that the Law is "not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane.."  In case they weren't sure about that, Paul makes a list of examples;
immoral men
"and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching"

Paul confesses that he, himself had been one of those ignorant unbelievers - he had been a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent aggressor.   But, it was not myths, genealogies, or speculations that had saved him... it was the "grace of our Lord"  and the "faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus" that rescued him. 

The "glorious gospel of the blessed God" is the sound teaching that will achieve the end purposes and results that God wants us to find - a  pure heart,  a good conscience, a sincere faith.  " It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners..."  This is worth fighting for, Paul tells Timothy,  this is the faith we keep, and that we teach, and that we live out as an example for "those who would believe in Him for eternal life". 

Oh what mercy You have shown to us, King Eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God!  You have saved us sinners through Christ Jesus, our Lord.  Thank You!  The Law was given so that we could know what sin is... so we can recognize it in our own hearts, for it is there.  But the Law could not remove that darkness, only reveal it.  It is the grace, abundant grace that leads us to faith and love in Jesus Christ, that removes our sin, that changes our hearts, that gives us a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith!  All honor and glory is Yours forever and ever.  Amen!

Monday, March 28, 2016

The New Testament writers also speak of the heart.  Those with hardened hearts, who do not hear and do not see, who refuse to turn to God.. bring grief and sorrow to our hearts and to His Heart also.
He calls us to open our hearts, to allow His Word to be planted in good soil, in an honest and good heart.

Do we have a "hardened heart"?  Is it dull or are we close-minded?  Is our heart far from Him?
What do we do?

We desire pure hearts, circumcised, willing, opened to Him. Barnabas preached to the new believers in Antioch, encouraging them all with "resolute heart to remain true to the Lord".  We begin with a resolute heart - the Greek work here is prothesis - a setting forth, from prothumia - forwardness of mind; readiness of mind; a ready and willing mind.   To have the kind of heart that David had - to be men and women "after" God's heart, willing to do what He wills - we need to turn our hearts - our minds, thoughts, and intentions to Him.

We believe first in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus as Lord.  We trust in Him to remove the veil that has covered our hearts. We let His Word, which is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword - to pierce our hearts - to judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts.
We draw near "with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water" ( Hebrews 10:22)

God is greater than our heart, John writes. ( I John 3:20)  Our Lord knows all things.  He will lead us to His Truth. He will give us sincere hearts.  He will write on our hearts and strengthen our hearts with grace.  When we treasure His Word in our hearts, out of that heart will come what is good!

How wonderful is Your Word, Your living and active Word.  Fill our hearts O Lord, with the riches of Your Grace through Your Spirit.  Create in us clean hearts. Resolute hearts. Glad hearts, full of Your peace and the desire to do Your will. Always, sincerely, and earnestly.  We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Daniel - Malachi

Through the rest of the prophets the message remains the same - the Lord requires His people to give Him their whole heart.  But their hearts are hardened.   The greatest ailments of the heart are pride and harlotry.  The heart becomes faithless ( Hosea 10:2) and senseless ( 7:11), and  without understanding. ( 4:11)

We must humble ourselves before Him!

Nebuchadnezzar is one example of what God thinks of an arrogant heart.  The Lord changes his heart from the heart of a man to the heart of a beast! ( Daniel 2:30)  A proud or lifted up heart, will not prevail.  (Daniel 11:30)  NO matter how great a man thinks he is... God will cut him down.( Obadiah 1:3)

  Yet, people still  refuse to humble themselves.  They direct their hearts towards evil. ( Hosea 4:8)  They lie, they scheme, and they boast.   God says their hearts are like an oven:  their anger smolders all night and turns into a raging fire by morning.( Hosea 7:6-7)  They don't even consider the fact that God sees them.  They proclaim that He won't do anything to them - good or evil. ( Zephaniah 1:12)

And, it breaks His heart.  He doesn't want to give them up, but He will bring judgement.  Either we rend our own hearts and return to Him with all our heart ( Joel 2:2)  or He will tear open our chests Himself ( Hosea 13:8)

But if we will turn. If we take it to heart and be restored to Him.... He will take away the judgements against us; clear away our enemy; dwell in our midst; exult over us with joy; quietly cover us with His love; and rejoice over us with shouts of joy! ( Zephaniah 3:14)

What a message for our day... for this very hour!  So many people with evil hearts!  So many proud and arrogant men.. seeking only their own gain!  So many that tell themselves that God isn't real, that He doesn't see them,  that He must not care...  So many deceived in their hearts.

Father in Heaven,  You are the Almighty God who created all of heaven and all of the earth.. We are Your workmanship.  You are Lord of all.  How we need You!  Forgive us Lord, for failing to give You the honor due Your Name. Restore us O Lord.  Restore our nation, come and bring revival, a turning of hearts back to You.  Let Your Word spread rapidly and be glorified!  Deliver us from perverse and evil men.  For You are faithful and You will strengthen us and protect us from the evil one.  Direct our hearts into the Love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ, we pray.  amen  ( II Thess. 3:1-5)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ezekiel 20-44

Even as the Lord called to His people to repent, to turn away and to give Him their hearts.. they rejected Him.  Ezekiel told them what was going to happen in Jerusalem and that their hearts would melt. But even as they came to hear him speak, they heard the words, "but they do not do them, for the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain. And behold you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not practice them. " ( 33: 31-32

The destruction of Jerusalem came as Ezekiel had told them. Their hearts did melt. The Lord took His sword out of its sheath and brought His judgement upon Israel. Their idolatry and wickedness had reached the brim. When they gave over the most holy service in His temple to those "uncircumcised in heart and flesh"... when they welcomed foreigners and the unrighteous into the very sanctuary of His temple... this abomination was perhaps the last straw.  God allowed the enemies to come in and to  strike it down.

But, Ezekiel also proclaimed God's judgement against those who "scorned" Israel and those who rejoiced in their hearts at its destruction.  Ammon, Philistia, Tyre, and Assyria, would all feel God's wrath and vengeance.  Their own pride and boastfulness, their own wickedness would bring them down.   Tyre was especially prideful.  They "made (their) heart like the heart of God".  They proclaimed themselves to be god.  They exalted themselves for their wisdom, their beauty, and their riches.  The Lord said that because of this they would be "no more".   Assyria proclaimed themselves to be above everything, even the clouds... above even God.  The Lord said He would cut them down.
Every nation that appropriated God land for themselves.. only aroused His jealousy and wrath.

God was not done with Israel.  He would bring them back, He promised.  He would give them a new heart and a new spirit.  He told Ezekiel to see with his eyes and hear with his ears and to "give attention" - to set his heart upon - all that He would reveal.  Then He gave him a vision - of Jerusalem and of a new temple;  of His glory coming once again; and of a city whose name would be called,
" The Lord is there. " 

Lessons for the heart:

1. When we hear or read God's Word - do we put it into practice?  Are our hearts just interested in our own gain?  Is it just beautiful music to us?  Do we listen so as to - set our hearts - on what He says, and to actually DO it?  That is His desire for us!

2. Do we also ( perhaps in political correctness)  allow and even welcome the "uncircumcised of heart" into the holy places?  Do we make any distinction between the authentic followers of Christ and those who are play-acting?  We know this is true across our own nation and throughout the earth.
Oh, how we need His wisdom!

3. God's wrath will again be poured out on those who think they are higher, wiser, richer, or more beautiful them Him!  Pride and haughtiness will bring about destruction.. whether it is a nation or an individual.. or any part of His creation.  It is Satan's own heart and God will not allow it, ever!

4.  God's heart is revealed in Ezekiel's vision.  For His plan and purposes will be fulfilled.  A people with new hearts and spirits, will one day see the new Jerusalem where the Lord will dwell in the midst of them. In our midst.. if we are believers and followers of Christ, if we love and serve Him with all of our heart!

Father, You see our hearts.  You know what dwells in its depths.  Is there hardness there?  Is there pride or lust?  Cleanse us and fill our hearts with Yourself!  O God of heaven and earth, the One True God, the Lord is Your Name.  Come and move in us, to not be hearers only, but to be doers of Your Word, according to Your good and perfect will.  In Jesus Christ, our wonderful Redeemer and Savior we pray. Amen.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Lord calls His people to "Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord."
Rebellious hearts will lead to troubled spirits, to grief and emptiness.  God's own heart breaks at the sight of His beloved people who have lost their joy and are faint because of their sinfulness.

Ezekiel ( 1-20)

The Lord calls Ezekiel to "take into his heart"  all the Words He will speak.

The people are in captivity because of their adulterous hearts.  They set up idols in their hearts.  They turned away from the Lord and His commandments.  Their hearts continually went after idols and abominations.  Their hearts were "languishing" - weary, failing, losing health and vitality.

The Lord wants to "lay hold of their hearts".   He wants to restore them and give them a new heart - "one heart" and a new spirit.  He wants to take their "heart of stone" and give them a "heart of flesh."
They had to repent and turn away from their idols.  They needed to "cast away" their sins and transgressions.  To repent and live they needed a "new heart and a new spirit" .

What is in my heart today, O Lord?  Are their any idols?  I cast them down!  "Every high thing must come down!"  You, Jesus, Have overcome!  You do wear the victor's crown!  Hallelujah!   Father, do not allow any hardness to enter in to my heart.  I lift my heart up to You.  Precious Savior and Lover of my soul,  You alone give life to me.  I choose willingly to take all Your words into my heart.  Change me as You will, I ask in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Jeremiah 19-52

The hearts of the rebellious are intent on their own dishonest gain; on shedding innocent blood; on oppression and extortion... instead of on justice and righteousness, pleading the cause of the afflicted and needy, which is the heart that knows the Lord.

God proclaims that His wrath will not turn back until "He has accomplished the intent of His heart". (30:24)  He also says that we will understand this clearly in the last days. ( 23:10 and 30:24)

But, He also proclaims wonderful promises that give hope!

24:7  "And I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord, and they will be my people, and I will be their God for they will return to Me with their whole heart."

29:13 " And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

32:39 God will give His people one heart and one way, that they would fear Him always for their good and for the good of their children.  v41 "I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me."   

The Lord will send forth a leader, a ruler who will approach Him... " Who would dare to risk his life to approach Me?"  Who would give His heart in pledge?  Jesus, only Jesus!  Don't let your heart grow faint, the Lord speaks to us through His prophet... Remember!  Remember the Truth.  Remember the promises.  Remember Him!

Father, Your purposes and plans are being carried out, even now in this world.  Your wrath has not fully come upon the sinful, evil hearts, but that time is coming. Oh, Lord, give us a heart to know You!  Put the fear of You in our hearts so that we will never turn away from You.  You have given me a glimpse of Your heart in these Words - Your heart breaks for those who refuse Your salvation.  Your love is so great.  Break our hearts Lord for those who You weep over.  Give us new passion to share the Word of Life and let them have ears to hear and hearts to receive the Truth.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Jeremiah 1-18  

Over and over again the Lord addresses His people who walk "according to the stubbornness of their evil heart."  But, they will not listen.  They will not obey.  They will not turn back.  He keeps warning them, but they are utterly deceived in their own hearts.  "It's hopeless", they reply, " For we are going to follow our own plans and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart." (18:12)

Jeremiah's heart is broken.  The Lord's heart is also... and in response to their stubborn refusal, His wrath will come.  Listen to His plea to them:

".. remove the foreskin of your heart" - curtail, destroy, cut down, expose your heart - plow, break up the fallow ground, don't sow among thorns; (4:4)

".. wash your heart from evil" Wash - ( kabac) trample, to wash by stamping with the feet, to "full" - the process of shrinking and thickening cloth, especially wool, with moisture, pressure, and heat. (4:14)

" Oh, turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds." (18:11)

"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick, who can understand it?  I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds"

They have become as uncircumcised as the nations around them... for their hearts are so hard.  "The sin of Judah is written down with an iron stylus; with a diamond point it is engraved upon the tablet of their heart." ( 17:1)  They will not forget what they have done.  The Lord's beautiful vineyard has become a wasteland.  The waistband that He had made for Himself, to cling to Him, has become worthless because they have tied themselves to worthless idols.  They are no longer blessed, but cursed because they have turned their hearts away from the Lord.

Every time I read the book of Jeremiah I am struck with how current it is... even now, just searching out the lessons of the heart .. I can't help but see how our nation is as stubborn and evil in heart we have become, just like Israel and Judah.   We have a nation of people who refuse to listen, who stubbornly cling to their own ways, who, knowing it is hopeless, confess "For we are going to follow our own plans... "  And, like Jeremiah, I find my own heart breaking.

Father,  You know me.  You see me and You examine my heart.  Lord, cut away any stubbornness and evil in me.  Try me and test my heart.  Wash away all the sin, all the deception, all the unbelief, all the unrighteousness, I pray.  Merciful God, call our nation back to Yourself.  May hearts be plowed, softened, cleansed, and restored to You.  May Your Word spread rapidly and be glorified in this land... and in this world. Direct our hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ, I ask in His Name. amen

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

In the book of Isaiah the people's hearts are insensitive.  They don't listen, they don't care, and they don't understand.
All the nations, are arrogant and prideful. They make plans with the purpose to destroy each other.
Their arrogant hearts claim to exceed even God.
Even God's own people rebel against Him.  They speak the right words, and do the traditional religious activities, but their hearts are far from Him.  They are like the fool, speaking nonsense and inclined toward wickedness.  They don't take to heart, pay attention to God's Word or His warnings.

God calls to His people to consider and remember, to care - to set upon their hearts the Truth, for they have been deceived.  He will dwell with those who will humble themselves.. those with contrite hearts and lowly spirits.  They must not continue to turn away from His ways, but to confess their sins and to know His Law, His righteousness.

There is a day that is coming, the Lord says,  a day when He will pour out vengeance on the wicked and bring gladness to those who love Him and serve Him.

In this day, a day where we observe so many turning away from God, we need to heed His Word all the more!  Recently I have heard speakers talking about mission work in other countries... non -Christian nations.. where evil is so rampant; where children are thrown out as babies or infants, where they are abused and sold, where life is hopeless.  Without God, our nation is heading in the same sorrid ways.  We must turn back to the Truth!  Oh God, help us!

"Oh that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at Thy presence... To make Thy name known to Thy adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy presence. "  ( Isaiah 64:1-2)   Father in heaven, Holy One, change the hearts of men and women and children, so that we can hear, so we can see, and so we can understand in our hearts and be saved.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ecclesiastics and Song of Songs

The writer set his heart to seek and explore... everything.... wisdom, folly, madness, pleasure, wealth, work, love.

Here the words used for heart  are - mind, self, strivings, thoughts.

As he sets about exploring the world's pleasures, he finds that it is all futile, vain, empty.  In fact, it is downright despairing.  You work hard and do well, but when you die you leave it all to a foolish son who just wastes it.  No matter how hard you work, there is never true rest.

But,  God, " made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in (our) heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning until the end."
The writer realizes that God judges both the righteous and the wicked.
That God tests us so we can see our own beastly hearts.
That we need to stop and think about death, to be serious about life, because of eternity.
The hearts of men are full of evil and insanity.. but in wisdom we can direct out minds and hearts to God.   All is in His hands.  He is the giver of gladness and true joy.

In the Song of Solomon the use of the word heart is used in reference to the love of the groom and the bride.
His heart is glad on his wedding day.
His heart beats faster when he sees his bride.
Her heart awakens at his voice.
He tells her that he will be a seal over her heart - a love that is stronger than death, protects her heart.

Jesus, the bridegroom, looks forward to the day when He will gather His bride!  What a wonderful thought!  His heart beats faster for us. Our hearts awaken at His voice. He has set His seal, His Spirit over our hearts!  Precious thoughts.

Father,  thank You for reminding me once again, that nothing else is of value except You.  You have set eternity in my heart. Without knowing You, there is nothing of value in this world.  But, knowing You, we can know joy and gladness in all things!  Keep our hearts set on You.  Keep my heart Lord, directed towards the right, in wisdom and truth.  Amen

Monday, March 14, 2016

More proverbs ( 19-31)  Lessons of the heart

We can make plans in our hearts, but they won't change the Lord's counsel.
We can't cleanse our own hearts.
The Lord can steer the heart of a king... or anyone else!
The Lord weighs our hearts.
Discipline removes foolishness from the heart.  Discipline - chastisement, reproof, instruction, correction, restraint... Apply your heart to it - Listen to the words of the wise.  Apply your mind to knowledge.  Don't trust in your own heart, but trust in the Lord and walk in His wisdom.


As we think in our hearts - so we are. ( 23:7) Doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, what we say, or what others think about us.
The Lord knows the "real" us.  He measures each heart and "renders" accordingly (24:13).
As a reflection in water reveals the face that looks into it, so our hearts reflect who we really are. (27:19)

We spend a lot of time and money trying to clean up our outsides.... trying to fit in, trying to look good.  Trying to please others.  But, the Lord knows the truth about us and He isn't concerned with our how we look.. His desire is for us to have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, to walk in His ways and to make His heart glad!

Father,  lead me into Your great love, into Your heart.  Give me the steadfastness of Jesus, to love and to serve You with all my heart and soul always.  I choose to listen,  my ears are open.  My heart is inclined towards You. Help me to apply Your Word to my life today and forever. Amen.
Proverbs 1-18 Lessons of the heart

Just like the psalms, this book contrasts the heart of those who seek God - the righteous with those who do not - the foolish.

The righteous are those who incline their heart to understanding by listening to wisdom, praying for discernment, and seeking it like a hidden treasure .  It is the Lord who gives wisdom and speaks knowledge and understanding.  Therefore we are to trust Him, bind HisWord to us and write it on the tablet of our hearts.  We receive the Word, we hold fast to it, we don't allow ourselves to turn aside from it.  We guard our hearts and seek continually to gain knowledge.

When the Lord gives us His wisdom and understanding we will rest and be glad.
We will ponder what to answer instead of blurting out evil.
We will teach our mouths to speak rightly.
We will have kindness and truth in our hearts.

Yes, this is the heart we desire.

The heart of the foolish, those who deny God, spurn reproof, refusing to listen.  Their hearts are perverse.  They devise wicked plans. They desire what they believe to be beautiful, but what is actually false. They have cunnings hearts and they are lured away by the cunning of heart.  They cannot discern prudence or wisdom. "The heart of the wicked is worth little", Proverbs 10:8 says.
Their perverse hearts are an abomination to the Lord.  They will serve the righteous.  They will be despised.  They are deceitful.  They speak folly. They cannot spread knowledge. They are proud. They cannot even buy wisdom.  They cannot even find what it is good.

Father in heaven, Almighty and Righteous God, keep our hearts pure.  Fill our minds with Your Words and teach us Your ways.  We seek understanding that comes from You, from the Words that You have given us. We want to discern what is good in Your sight.  We want to be intelligent and prudent in You.  We look to You, the source and beginning of all wisdom and knowledge.  Thank You for Your great love and grace towards us who call on Your Name and on the Name of the Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Amen.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lessons of the heart - Psalms 100-150

The heart of the wicked:
Is perverse, arrogant, hateful, unmerciful... for evil men devise evil things in their hearts.
Their hearts are covered with "fat"! (119:70)

But, we can have a changed, pure, and believing heart.. a heart of integrity and blamelessness.

We start by seeking the Lord with ALL our heart.  

When our heart is smitten, withered and despairing - we can turn to prayer and worship. (102:4)
We can have a steadfast, fixed, prepared, stable, ready heart ( 108:1)
If we are afflicted and needy and our hearts are wounded - we can pray and find God's lovingkindness and help. (109:22)
We can give thanks to the Lord with ALL our hearts. ( 111:1)
We can remain unshaken. (112:7)
We can have our hearts upheld. (112:8)
We will be blessed! (119:2)

If we treasure His Word in our hearts, we can conquer sin! (119:11)
If we run the way of His Word, He will enlarge our hearts! (119:32)
If we ask Him for understanding, He will help us keep His Word with all our hearts ( 119:34)
We can incline our hearts to His Word. (119:36)
We can entreat His favor with ALL our heart.  ( 119:58)
We can observe His Word with ALL our heart. (119:69)

His Word must be the Joy of our heart. (119:111)
We must incline our hearts to perform His will. (119:112)
Then our hearts will stand in awe of His words. (119:161)
We will give thanks with all our heart - sincerely, zealously, boldly, and freely! ( 138:1)

Psalm 139:23 " Search me O God and know by heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts;" 

Lord God, try me, search me.. if there are hurtful ways in me, remove them!  Turn me around and lead me in Your ways.  If my heart is desolate or overwhelmed, turn my thoughts to You, that I might stretch out my hands to You and my soul will long for You!  Heal the brokenhearted, Lord.  Bind up their wounds.  Incline their hearts towards You and give them understanding that they will seek You.
Your Word is our treasure and our joy, O Lord.  Let Your people proclaim it! Live it! Be steadfast in it and in You! Amen!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lessons on the heart - Psalms 51-100

It is God, the Creator, that forms a clean heart in us. ( 51:10)
He delights in a broken ( burst) and contrite ( collapsed) heart - rather than a burnt offering. (51:17)

A fool's heart denies God's existence .(53:1)
The wicked work unrighteousness in their hearts ( 58:2)
Their inward thoughts and heart are deep - but God WILL shoot an arrow at them and wound them!(64:6) The imaginations of their hearts "run riot" ( 73:7)
The people of Israel struggled with erring hearts ( 95:10); Their hearts vacilated, reeled, wandered astray.
 They did not prepare( put right) their hearts (78:8) and they were not faithful in spirit.
Their hearts were not steadfast toward God ( 78:37)
They hardened their hearts testing and trying God (95:8)

But a steadfast heart is fixed and prepared and ready (57:7)
"Pour out your heart before Him." ( 62:8) - wait for Him; Trust Him; find hope in Him!
For He is our Rock and Salvation; our Stronghold; Our glory; our Rest; and our Refuge.
When God deals with the wicked man's heart, all the righteous are made glad and will glory - celebrate! (64:7)

If I regard ( see, consider, enjoy, perceive) wickedness in my heart - the Lord will not hear my prayers. (66:18)
If we seek God.. He will revive our hearts! (69:32)
God is good to the pure in heart (73:1,13)
He is the strength of our heart (73:26)
He gives us gladness and blessing when we delight in Him and have His ways in our hearts.

God gives us every opportunity to turn our hearts towards Him.  In the midst of disappointments and troubles we must determine to seek Him. " I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart; and my spirit ponders. .. I will meditate on all Your work, and muse on Your deeds. Thy way is holy; What god is great like our God?" ( 77:6, 11). 

Father in Heaven,  may my heart be steadfast, not vacillating and wandering away from You.  Make my heart pure and clean.  Shoot an arrow through my heart if needed, so that I might not regard any wickedness in it, but seek You and receive life from You. There is none like You, O Lord. I will seek You.  I will remember You!  I will rejoice and be glad in You!  For You are my strength, my salvation, my Rock, and My God.  Thank You for loving me!  Amen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The heart - lessons from Psalms 1-50

Meditate in your heart, on the Lord (4:4)
Let those meditations be acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. (19:14)
When the meditations of our hearts are for understanding, then our mouths will speak wisdom. (49:3)

Those upright in heart:
are glad (4:7)
are examined by the righteous Judge (7:9)
 and are saved ( 7:10)
are heard (10:17)
rejoice (13:5)
can dwell with God (15:2)
delight in God's Word ( 19:8)
are granted their heart's desires ( 20:4)
seek for the Lord to examine us, try us, test us and judge our integrity and righteousness and our need for redemption. (26:2)
does not fear the enemy or its armies ( 27:3)
seeks God's Face (27:8)
takes courage and waits for the Lord (27:14)
trusts in the Lord and is helped (28:7)
is strong and courageous (31:24)
shout for joy and are glad in the Lord ( 32:11)
know the nearness of God when they are brokenhearted ( 34:18)
find His lovingkindness and righteousness ( 36:11)
delight in Him and receive the desires of their heart (37:4)
have the Word of God written on their heart (37:31)
get angry at their own sinfulness and that of others (39:3)
delight  to do the will of God (40:8)
does not hide his righteousness in his heart but proclaims it everywhere (40:10)
is overwhelmed when convicted of sin in his heart (40:12)
knows that God knows the secrets of his heart (44:21)
overflows with good (45:1)
gains understanding by meditating on the Lord and His Word and can then speak wisdom. (49:3)

But the wicked:
shoot arrows at the righteous ( 11:2)
speak lies and use flattery (12:2)
draw their swords against the righteous, but end up putting it through their own hearts (35:17)
gather wickedness in their hearts, then go out and speak evil, tell lies, and devise ways to hurt others (41:6)
Will be struck by the Lord's arrows (45:5)
"Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes. For it flatters him in his own eyes, concerning the discovery of his iniquity and the hatred of it. The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; he has ceased to be wise and to do good.  He plans wickedness upon his bed; he sets himself on a path that is not good; he does not despise evil." (36:1-4)

The difference is made by the meditations of our heart.   If we seek the Lord and live according to His will and word we will be upright.  If we harden our hearts and refuse to listen and obey, we will hear only the voice of wickedness that leads to death.  ".. The doers of iniquity have fallen; they have been thrust down and cannot rise." ( 36:12)

Father, You are merciful and gracious to us.  You love us and desire our hearts to be set on You and to seek Your face.  This is what I long to do.  Keep me on Your path.  Keep Your Word in my heart and on my mind.  Fill me with Your Spirit who will teach me Your ways and guide me into all righteousness. May the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.  For the glory of Jesus Christ I ask these things. Amen

Monday, March 7, 2016

In Ezra and Nehemiah we see that God put His will into the hearts of Assyrian kings, Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes - to send the Jews back to Jerusalem and to rebuild and restore the Temple.

Ezra "set his heart" to study the Law, practice it, and teach it.
Nehemiah felt that God put it in his heart to enroll all the people by genealogies.

In Esther we encounter the evil heart of Haman.

In Job we learn that God's heart is set on man!  That He is concerned about us. (7:17)
Job believes that God is wise in heart and mighty in strength, and that He conceals some things in His Heart . ( 9:4 and 10:13)
Zophar tells Job to direct his heart right - to repent.

Job speaks of God's power in 12:13 -25.  Verse 24 "He deprives of intelligence ( heart) the chiefs of the earth's people, and makes them wander in a pathless waste."  ( Isn't that the truth!)
Job also believes that God keeps some hearts from understanding. (17:4)

Eliphaz exhorts Job to receive God's instructions and establish His Word in his heart. (22:22)

Job feels that God has made his heart faint, but that he feels no reproach in his own heart.  He proclaims his own righteousness:
He helped the poor and caused the widow's heart to sing.
He did not allow his heart to "follow his eyes" or to be enticed by another woman,

Elihu speaks from the uprightness in his own heart.  He seems to have a better handle on who God is than the others.  Listen to this statement, " If He should determine to do so, If He should gather to Himself His spirit and His breath, All flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust."
Elihu's says his heart trembles at the sound of God's voice.

God tells Job that it is He who has "put wisdom in the innermost being" and has "given understanding to the mind" (heart). 

I guess the thing that stands out most to me in these passages is how God puts things in our hearts - He put His will in the heart of the kings.
He puts wisdom and understanding in men's hearts.
He deprives some hearts of intelligence and understanding.
Yet, He gives us freedom to set our own hearts - towards Him or away from Him.
Either way, His heart is set on us.  He cares about us and desires our hearts to be right - to be repentant, to be upright and to tremble at His greatness!
God could take away life from any or all of us at any time, but it is His heart of love for us that keeps us alive.

Almighty Father, thank You for loving us so! Direct our hearts continually to Yourself.  Put wisdom and understanding in our hearts that we might know Your Word and do it!  I set my heart to seek You always, to walk in Your ways, and to love You.  You are my only God and Savior.  I give all my praise and honor and worship to You, O God.  It is in the Name of Jesus, that I come, Amen.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Heart lessons from I Chronicles

United hearts are at peace and helping one another ( 12:17)
Undivided and perfect hearts  are of one mind.

David told his son Solomon to set his heart and soul to seek the Lord his God; ( 22:19)  To serve God with a whole heart and willing mind; and to know that God searches all hearts and understands every intent of the thoughts. ( 28:9)

David had integrity of heart - a level, straight, plain, and upright heart, which delighted the Lord. 
He asked the Lord to preserve the intentions of the hearts of the people and to direct their hearts to Himself. ( 29:18)  He also prayed for the Lord to give Solomon as perfect heart to keep His commandments.

II Chronicles

It was in Solomon's heart to ask God for wisdom. God liked that.
It was in David's heart to build a house for the Lord's Name.  God liked that too.
Solomon did all that was in David's and his own heart.
The Lord chose to put His Name, His eyes, and His heart "perpetually" on the house that Solomon built. ( 7:16)

Rehoboam did evil - because he did not set his heart to seek the Lord. ( 12:14)

Asa led the nation back to God by making a covenant to seek the Lord with all their heart and soul. (15:12)
He sought the Lord earnestly ( hebrew - ratson - with delight, desire, favor, good pleasure, voluntarily, affectionately, reconciling oneself to, pleased to).  
He had a "blameless" heart - complete, friendly, full, just, made ready, peaceable, perfect, quiet, safe, whole. (15:17)

16:9 "The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." Completely is the same Hebrew word as blameless.

Jehoshaphat had a high heart - he took pride in the things of the Lord. 
He instructed the judges and leaders to be faithful and wholehearted - to judge rightly before the Lord.
He sought the Lord with all his heart. (22:9)

Amaziah served the Lord, but not with a whole heart. (25:2) He boasted in himself with a prideful heart.  His son Uzziah also developed a prideful heart. (26:16)

Hezekiah made a covenant with God.  He had a willing heart and was conscientious  or upright of heart.  He led Judah back to the Lord and the Lord gave all of Judah one heart to do His word.
In 30:19 Hezekiah prayed that the Lord would accept those whose hearts were prepared even though they had not prepared their bodies with the purification rituals.  Hezekiah did what was good, right, true - seeking God and acting with all his heart.  He became proud of heart, but when confronted, humbled the pride of his heart. ( 32:25-26)  God tested him, to know all that was in his heart. (32:31)

Josiah had a  humble and tender heart.  He also made a covenant  to walk after the Lord,to keep His commandments with all his heart and soul.  ( 34:27,31)

Zedikiah did evil, did not humble his heart, stiffened his neck, and hardened his heart against turning to the Lord. ( 36:11)

I hear through these books a call to set our hearts to seek the Lord with delight and willingness, plainly, simply and completely.  We seek Him through His Word, doing those things that He has commanded with humble and tender hearts.  Anything less than that will not delight the Lord!
The Lord will test our hearts, He sees our hearts, and He will direct our hearts and He will support us who give Him our whole hearts.

Father in heaven, take my heart and make it thine own, completely and eternally.  Put Your Name and eyes and heart in me, that I might delight You.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

II Kings - lessons regarding our hearts:

Elisha watched his servant Gehazi - his heart went with him- sadly knowing that he was yielding to the greed in his heart.

Jehu and Jehonadab - agreed on what was right - their hearts were united to do what God had said.
The Lord commended Jehu for doing right, what was according to His Heart,  but Jehu was not careful to keep his heart right. 

Hezekiah prayed and was heard because his heart was whole - complete, perfect, peaceable, made ready- before the Lord as he walked in Truth.

But, Josiah, whose heart was tender, humbled himself before the Lord, committed himself to walk after the Lord and to keep the covenant with the Lord.  "And before him there was no king who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses; nor did any arise after him."  ( 23:25)

Josiah seems to reach and even surpass the standard set by David, a man who had a heart after God.

Will we let our hearts be tender like Josiah?  Or will we harden our hearts like Pharaoh and many others?  Do we have whole hearts?  Or have we allowed the evil to creep back in?  The lesson I hear from this book, from the Shepherd, is this - Be careful with your heart!   Careful to walk with the Lord and keep your heart united with His heart.. whole and complete and ready, to do what is right in His eyes.... which He makes us to know in His Word -His commands, statutes and testimonies.

Father in heaven,  Lord of heaven above and on the earth below, there is none like You.  Let my heart be joined with You and with others who also seek Your heart.  Keep us from despair, from temptations, and from all evil.  Help us to be careful to keep our hearts right, always inclined towards You. We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lessons regarding the heart from I Kings.

God's promises are for those who are careful of their way - to walk before God in truth with ALL their heart and soul.  ( 2:4)

David had this kind of heart for he walked in truth, righteousness and uprightness of heart towards God. (3:6)

Solomon asked God for a heart of understanding, to judge the people, to discern good from evil. (3:9)
God gave Solomon a wise and discerning heart, a heart of wisdom, very great discernment, and breadth of mind.  (3:12, 4:29) The whole world sought to hear the wisdom that God put in Solomon's heart. (10:24)

We know the afflictions of our own hearts and we can pray to God and find forgiveness, knowing that God knows each heart. ( 8:38-39)
Repentance + prayer = return to God with all your heart and soul = restoration.

We let our hearts be wholly devoted to the Lord our God by walking in His statutes and keeping His commandments. ( 8:61)

God requires a heart of integrity and uprightness, like David's. (9:4)
Solomon's wives turned his heart away by their idols, so that his heart was no longer wholly devoted to the Lord. ( 11:2,3)
This made the Lord angry. (11:9)

Jeraboam reasoned in his heart - not wanting the people to turn their hearts back  to David's kingdom - he built idols in Bethel. He devised in his own heart a religion to worship these false gods. (12:26.27, 33)  He was condemned because of this.  His heart did not measure up to the standard -David's heart -devoted to keeping the commandments and doing what was right in God's sight.  (14:8)

Abidjan's heart was not wholly devoted to God.
Asa's heart was wholly devoted to the Lord. (15:14)
Elijah prayed that the Lord would turn the people's  hearts back again. (18:37)

The heart that God desires for each of us is like David's, one that seeks His heart, that will walk in His ways, with complete devotion.  It will be a heart of truth and righteousness, with integrity and uprightness. It will be discerning and wise.  It will be repentant and will not be turned away by anything else. 

Lord our God, King of Glory and Creator of heaven and earth,  put into us this kind of heart!  Let our hearts be wholly devoted to You that we might walk in Your ways.  By the power and grace of Jesus we ask this, amen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

In I and II Samuel we learn that the word heart is sometimes translated as mind, soul, desire, courage, or conscience. There are also several references to God's heart. 

I Sam. 2:35 " But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who will do according to what is in My heart and in My soul; and I will build him an enduring house and he will walk before My anointed always. "  And then in 13:14 " But now your ( Saul's) kingdom shall not endure.  The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you." 
In response to God's covenant with David, he prays, ".... For the sake of Thy word and according to Thine own heart, Thou hast done all this greatness to let Thy servant know." 

Another very important reference to the heart is found in I Sam. 1:7 "But the Lord said to Samuel,'Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature , because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

God had given Saul a "changed heart" ( I Sam. 10:9)  But Saul was not a man after God's own heart. Saul did not keep the Lord's commandments.
David's heart was acceptable to the Lord.  His desires were God's desires . His conscience was sensitive to God's ways.  David sought to exult God and to serve Him with all his heart. He had a valiant and courageous heart because he inclined his heart towards the Lord. He was not perfect, but he did purpose in his heart to obey God's word.

Father, how amazing that You have revealed Your own heart to us!  Your desire, Your heart for us is that we would seek to do what is in Your heart, seek to have a heart like Yours, seek to know Your own heart.  O Lord, we desire to have hearts that are obedient, inclined towards You, that we might love and serve You with all our hearts and souls and minds.   Change our hearts and make them ever new.. growing in grace and truth and love. Fill us to the full with Your desires and thoughts and purposes by Your Spirit, through Jesus our Lord. For it is in His Name we come, amen.