Thursday, July 30, 2015

2 Cor. 8- 9    Paul's word here centers on an offering that was being prepared for the Christians in Jerusalem.  The  churches in Macedonia were giving liberally and joyfully for this ministry.  The church in Corinth had been ready to give, and now Paul is urging them to complete it to their ability. (8:11).  Paul had boasted about the Corinthian church's gift.  They had promised "a bountiful gift".  He is urging them to come through. This passage gives us some important guidelines on giving.

When we give an offering, we should give "according to"  our "ability".  ( 8:3; 12)  We give out of what we have, not out of what we don't have.

Giving is "a gracious work" ( v7,19) that accompanies the giving of ourselves first; revealing in us an abounding faith, utterance,  knowledge, earnestness, and sincere love.

Giving - imitates the "grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." ( v9)

Giving is practical- The Corinthians were giving to those who were in need now, but there may be a time when they are in want and will be helped by those who are now receiving. (v13-14)

Giving is for "the glory of the Lord". (v19)  So, it is important that those who administer the gift be "honorable"; "tested", and "diligent" so that God is glorified.

Giving should be "bountiful... not affected by covetousness" (9:5) "..he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully." ( v6) To give bountifully is to give with blessing and thanksgiving, to invoke a benediction ( an affirmation or prayer of God's blessing).

Giving is to be carefully, prayerfully,  and honestly thought out - "Let each one do as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver" ( v7)

Giving is something we do in partnership with God.  " And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed." ( v8)   God "supplies the seed to the sower";  He supplies and multiplies "your seed for sowing" and increases " the harvest of your righteousness".   (v10)  He starts the process by giving to us,  He does the multiplying, and He allows us to reap the harvest! 

Giving with generosity ( liberality) results in our enrichment and more importantly thanksgiving to God. (v11)  

Giving in this way is another evidence or proof of "obedience to.. confession of the gospel of Christ." It reveals that Christ is in us. (v13) Again bringing glory and thanksgiving to God, as well as a mutual love and affection between those who give and those who have received. (v14).

Our thinking about giving, to those in need or to the church or other ministry,  must be aligned with the Word of God.  It is not out of obligation to the Law or out of pressure from others that we give... we give out of our union and communion with our Savior and God, to His glory!  We give because He gave.  We give because we know Him and love Him. We give because of His Grace which has filled our own hearts. We give, because we have learned that the more we give, the more He blesses.

Personally, we have found this to be true.  You can never out give the Lord!  Thanks be to God for His great grace and tender mercies!

Father, have Your own way, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Remove any covetousness from our hearts that we might always give bountifully for Your glory!  In the Name of our Gracious Redeemer Who gave Himself for us, we pray. Amen.

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