Friday, July 24, 2015

2 Cor. 5:1-10  Paul makes a comparison between the temporal and the eternal.  Right now we live in an "earthly tent" - a residence or abode, that is our temporary home.  Our souls dwell in a house, a hut, our human bodies.  But, this house will one day be torn down.  It is not meant for eternity.  When we leave this temporal home, as believers in Christ, we will "have a building from God".  This building is not made  "with hands".  It is not earthly at all - it is from God. This will be our permanent dwelling place.

Now, in this body/home, we groan; we are burdened; we are naked; we are mortal -liable to die - in the process of dying. ( v3-4)
Then, we will be clothed; "swallowed up by life". Imperishable and immortal. Incorruptible and unable to decay. Undying. (v4)

In John14: 2-3 Jesus says, " In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."   The word for "house " is the same one Paul uses - a home or residence. The dwelling place that Jesus is preparing for us in heaven is the "building from God...not made by hands".  It is not a mansion or a room - it is a new, imperishable, immortal, incorruptible, living, heavenly dwelling.

"Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God..." v5 
Stop and think about that a minute. God's purpose for us is to LIVE, to be "swallowed up by life."  And He has given us "the Spirit as a pledge".  A downpayment, a security deposit... A binding contract on a New and Eternal Home.  The Spirit of the Living God, is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, and as we receive Him, we receive the contract to our eternal, immortal, incorruptible, imperishable homes.

Since this is true, Paul says, be of "good courage";  "walk by faith";  and aim to be "pleasing to Him".
Be of good courage, because we know that when we leave this human body, we have a much better one waiting! Be of good courage, because when we leave this home, we will be at home with the Lord!
Walk by faith, not by sight.  Look at the unseen and not the seen.  Everything that we see with our physical eyes is destined for destruction. It is corrupt.  It will perish.  But the things we "see" by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,  those things will never end - because He will never perish, never die, never be corrupted.
Aim to please Him, because what we do now, in our temporal bodies, does matter.  At the judgement seat, Christ will recompense us for the deeds we do, whether good or bad. It is His will that we need to discern and do, "that which is good and acceptable and perfect". ( Romans 12:2)

Father in heaven, once again we ask that You give us Your Spirit, to fill us to the full, to bring understanding- to know Your perfect will; and then the power to do Your perfect works.  May we be of good courage, walk by faith, and please You in all we do this day.  In the Name of our marvelous Lord, Jesus Christ we ask this.  Amen.

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