Wednesday, July 22, 2015

11 Cor. 3   Paul's authority as an apostle was being questioned by some at Corinth.  Paul asks them to think about this - do they need a letter ( a written message)  from the other apostles to prove that he is a chosen messenger of Jesus Christ?  No,  because, they are the written message that really counts.  They are the "letter", the written message of Christ.

 Why look for a message written with ink, when they have a message written by the Spirit of the Living God?

Why look for a message written on stone, when there is an evident message that has been written on their hearts?

Paul is confident that God has made  him adequate to serve as a messenger of the new covenant.  The Spirit, who gives life is the Spirit who has given him the message of grace and glory.  Paul compares the giving of the 10 commandments to Moses to the gift of the new covenant through the Spirit of God.

The "ministry of death... and condemnation"(v7,9)  - the commandments engraved on stones - came with glory.
The " ministry of the Spirit....  a ministry of righteousness"( v8-9)  - comes with MORE glory!

The first glory fades - Moses had to wear a veil over his face after he met with God.  It was too much for the people to see until it began to fade. Paul indicates that it is the fading of the glory that Moses hid.

The second glory never fades - no veil is needed.  There is a freedom to behold the glory of God and be transformed by it. 

The veil- kept Israel from receiving the written message in its full glory.  Their " minds were hardened".  This veil is removed " in Christ" whenever a person " turns to the Lord".  Only when a person turns to the Lord is the veil lifted and he is able to see the glory of the Lord.  The Spirit of the Lord gives that liberty to gaze at His glory and be transformed into the same image - " from glory to glory." 

You and I are "a letter of Christ" too.   If we have turned to the Lord and gazed at His Glory, if we are allowing Him to transform us - transform our hearts and minds - from glory to unfading, eternal glory - by His Spirit Who gives Life - then, we are a written message, a letter of Christ. The message is "manifested" - made apparent - "known and read by all men" ( v2-3)

Father in heaven, You are the God of Glory.  You are wonderful in all Your ways.  You are Righteous and Holy.  We praise and worship You.  How marvelous is this gift of Your Spirit, Who leads us to behold Your Glory. How great is the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who is the King of Glory!  We turn our eyes to You, " beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord".  We are being transformed, as You write on our hearts and minds by Your Spirit, into the image of our Lord.  Amazing grace.  Let the Truth of Your Word pour into my mind and heart that I might grasp it and live it.. and believe it!   I am a letter of Christ.  Me... personally. Wow...    Thank You Lord.  Amen

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