Tuesday, July 14, 2015

1 Cor. 10  Paul writes that we need to heed the examples from the history of Israel.  The nation of Israel had been miraculously delivered from bondage in Egypt.  They had been " baptized" , passing through the Red Sea and given "spiritual drink" - water that came from a rock, which Paul says is Christ.  But, the people that had been called out of death, into life - failed to please God because of the "evil things" that they craved. There are 4 ways that they acted that Paul tells us to take heed of and NOT to do:

v7 " ..do not be idolaters"
v8  do not "act immorally"
v9 do not " try the Lord"
v10 do not "grumble"

Idolatry is especially offensive to God.  His first commandment is " You shall have no other gods before Me."  And the second is " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not worship them or serve them; "   Yet Israel struggled with this sin over and over again.  "The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play" is a quote from Exodus 32:6 when Aaron made the golden calf and called it god.  The Lord called this "corrupt"- ruined, destroyed, spoiled.  Paul says that when idols are nothing, but that when sacrifices are offered to them it is actually offered to demons.  Again, Paul says learn from this example.... the Corinthians were stumbling over this.  They were surrounded by heathen temples and idols everywhere.  They had come out of idolatry to follow Jesus, but the culture was still very much corrupt.  We live in a country without a prevalence of idols, hand crafted figures that are worshipped and sacrificed to.  But, there is much corruption here none the less.  To eat and drink and play - "out of control" ( Exodus 32:25) like the Israelites... well, we are a nation obsessed with this kind of behavior.  This is not pleasing to the Lord, does not profit us or our neighbors, and does not give glory to God.  Paul later writes in Ephesians that we should " not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.."   Don't be "out of control" like the Israelites were,  but be controlled by the Spirit of God.. " imitators of God" ( Eph. 5)

Immorality follows close on the heels of idolatry.   In Numbers 25 we are told that the Israelites took up with the people of Moab, especially, it seems, with the women.  An Israelite man was so bold as to bring one of the prostitutes right up to the tabernacle!  This was the last straw . 24000 Israelites died that day, because of it.  Immorality does not please God, does not profit anyone, and will never, ever bring glory to Him!  Immorality leads to death.  We must learn from the examples given to us in the Word!

To "try" the Lord is to test or tempt Him .  Over and over the Israelites grew impatient with the Lord. They spoke against Him. They tried His patience!  They were never satisfied with the gifts He gave them.  They were never thankful for the provisions He lavished on them.... hmm, we may have more to learn from this example then even the other two!  Do we grow impatient with the Lord's response to our prayers ?  Are we satisfied and thankful for what we have been given?  

Israel grumbled.. a lot.  They complained about not having food and then they complained about the food they were given.  They were always looking for something different then what they had and were never content with resting in the Holy One who was right there with them.  They missed God because they wanted things!

Father in Heaven, help us to learn from these examples.  Help us to turn our eyes to You and trust in You and bless You and be thankful to You.  Oh Lord, deliver us from evil and from the evil one.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and gratitude and grace.  Fill us with the Spirit that we might be imitators of You, with self control and love and joy.  May we live lives that please You and bring You glory in all we do.  In the Name of Jesus we come and we ask these things. Amen.

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