Wednesday, July 1, 2015

1 Cor. 2  Paul testifies that when he came to Corinth, he determined that he would "know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Paul had just left Athens, where he had spent many hours reasoning and debating with philosophers, and he knew the lostness of those who worshiped so many idols and false gods.  His message became even more focused and simplified... Christ. Crucified.  

Paul determined that he would not use persuasive arguments.  He would instead preach the message of Jesus Christ crucified and the Spirit would come with power.... " that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God." ( v5)

The Spirit is how God revealed the mystery of the ages. The Spirit, who alone knows the mind of God, reveals the thoughts of God and gives us the mind of Christ.

Paul says that "natural" man cannot accept the things of the Spirit. He cannot understand them.  He can't think spiritual thoughts until he becomes a "spiritual" man.  This only happens when we receive "not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us from God." (v12)

Paul goes on to say in chapter 3 that the foundation of the church is exactly this - Jesus Christ - crucified.  Anything built on this foundation is tested by God - tested by fire.  If it remains then it is rewarded, if it is burned up, there is loss.  The Church, built on the foundation of Jesus Christ becomes the temple of God because the Spirit of God dwells in it.  " If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy and that is what you are." ( 3:17)

How do we destroy the temple of God? Verse 18 - by thinking we are wise.  By deceiving ourselves in the wisdom of the world.  This kind of thinking is "useless", the Lord says.   Instead we must focus on the Truth - " .. all things belong to you" (v21 and 22)  and " you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God." ( v23)

Spirit of God, come again with power and help us to comprehend all that God has given us.  We are Yours, Lord.  We want to know Christ Jesus in all of His fulness. We receive with joy all that You have given to us. Amen. May it be so!

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