Thursday, July 9, 2015

1 Corinthians 7  Marriage - One man and one woman bound together in spirit as one by the Lord. 

Marriage is supposed to be mutual submission and devotion to each other .  It is supposed to be a stable environment to raise children.  It is supposed to glorify God.  Paul gives instructions about marriage and singleness.  He calls for integrity in whatever state we are in.. whether married or single.

In our society today, this kind of marriage is rare.  It is also rare to have men or women who are single to be content and pure in their singleness.  Never the less a key phase that Paul repeats in the midst of this chapter, as at the end of the previous one is , " You were bought with a price.." ( 6:20, 7:23)   We belong to Christ.  We are His slaves.  We are commanded to glorify God in what we do and in who we are. 

Father in heaven,  may we, Your children, Your slaves, be obedient to Your Holy Word.  May we walk in faith, in Jesus our Lord;  May we be filled by Your Holy Spirit, and may we glorify You, because You have bought us with a price.. with the sacrifice, the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. amen.

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