Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2 Cor. 7  Paul focuses on the word "comfort" in this chapter.  He was "filled with comfort" ( v4); he was comforted by the coming of Titus ( v6) who brought comfort to Paul because he received comfort from the Corinthians. ( v7).  But, most of all, Paul was comforted by " God, who comforts the depressed" ( v6)  This word - comfort- is the Greek word "parakaleo", which means to call near; invite, invoke, console.  We are comforted by the One Who calls us by name to come near to Him and find solace in His Presence.

" Make room for us in your hearts.... "  Paul implores his friends, come near.
Paul acknowledges that his first letter had caused them sorrow.  But, he is thankful that the sorrow led to repentance.  This also stirred the church in Corinth to produce " vindication of yourselves, indignation, ..fear... longing..zeal.. and earnestness." ( v11-12)  This response is the source of Paul's great joy and comfort. It also restored Paul's confidence in them.

Chapter 8 The emphasis in this chapter is "earnestness".   Earnestness incorporates eagerness and carefulness.. speed with diligence.   Paul says that the church abounded " in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you..."  ( v7)  They needed to complete their pledge of presenting a gift for the needy in Jerusalem, to prove this earnestness, to show the sincerity of their love for others.

Titus had become "earnest" for the people of Corinth.  He desired to return to them, to participate with them in this ministry, "for the glory of the Lord Himself".

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear and hearts to obey.  May we be filled with comfort by Your Presence as You call us to Yourself, as we draw nearer and nearer to Your Heart.  May we abound in earnestness, sincerely loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, showing our love by coming alongside them and comforting them also.  We thirst for You,  fill us with Your Spirit,the Spring of Living Water, to overflow in earnestness for others.  We are unable to do anything without You, Lord Jesus.  You are the Vine and we are the branches.  We abide in You. You abide in us.  Thank You for being our All in all.  Amen.

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