Thursday, July 23, 2015

2 Cor. 4   Paul's ministry - of the Spirit and of Righteousness - came by the mercy of God.  Since God called him to serve in this manner, he does not "lose heart". (v1)  No matter the circumstances, Paul affirms that he will continue to preach the Gospel.   Even when the unbelievers can't understand it because their eyes have been blinded by the evil one, Paul says he will continue to preach Jesus Christ as Lord.  "For God, who said 'Light shall shine out of darkness' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." ( v6)  He will give that Light to others too. So don't lose heart. Don't give up.

Whether afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, struck down,  or dying - Paul declares his faith in Jesus Christ.  Again, he states - "we do not lose heart" ( v16)
Because he believes, he speaks.
Because he knows that the One who raised Jesus will raise him too, he keeps spreading the gospel.
Because the " momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison" ( v17),  he keeps his eyes on the "unseen" and "eternal"  things.

People are perishing.  Their eyes have been blinded by Satan.  They are missing the glory of Christ.
The glory that God, in His mercy, has allowed us to see by shining His Light into our hearts.  We have this great Treasure - in our weak, fragile " earthen vessels", our temporary tents, that will one day be replaced .  Why?   So that "the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves."  We are God's letter, His message to the world.  When God takes us and transforms us, when His Light and Glory begin to shine in us, in spite of our weaknesses and failures - then Jesus is manifested - revealed and declared! 

This is the ministry that God has given to each of us. To be His ambassadors of reconciliation. To bring others to the Light.

Father in heaven, we honor Your holy Name.  You are the Giver of Life and Light.  Thank You for revealing Yourself in Jesus Christ " the image of God".  Thank You for giving us Light so that we can know Your Glory in Christ.  Father, we pray for those who are perishing, blinded by Satan.  We plead for You to show mercy to them, and to shine Your Holy Light into their hearts.  You are able to do all things. I pray for those family members who still are unbelievers. May Your grace spread more an more, so that the "giving of thanks" will abound to Your Glory.  Amen.

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